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 taut [tɔt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 拉紧的, 整洁的, 紧张的

    [ adj ]
    1. pulled or drawn tight

    2. <adj.all>
      taut sails
      a tight drumhead
      a tight rope
    3. subjected to great tension; stretched tight

    4. <adj.all>
      the skin of his face looked drawn and tight
      her nerves were taut as the strings of a bow

    Taut \Taut\, a. [Dan. t[ae]t; akin to E. tight. See {Tight}.]
    1. (Naut.) Tight; stretched; not slack; -- said esp. of a
    rope that is tightly strained.

    2. Snug; close; firm; secure.

    {Taut hand} (Naut.), a sailor's term for an officer who is
    severe in discipline.

    1. Anthony Michaels-Moore did good service as Creon and the Messenger; the BBC Symphony Chorus had been well drilled. The firm grip on the conductor's baton that kept the Stravinsky taut was also brought to bear upon the Strauss.
    2. Above the taut new chicken wire we strung a battery-operated "hot" wire to keep out woodchuck and raccoon.
    3. The event, where competitors must walk the 200-foot-long runway clad only in a taut suit and high-heeled shoes, is designed to gauge physical fitness and poise, pageant officials say.
    4. That was when Jervis B. began making and selling a "Keystone" conveyor chain that could go from slack to taut without breaking and yet could be disassembled by hand.
    5. Such disruptions combine to produce a breakdown in a taut economic system like the Soviet Union's, which has always had shortages and where producers have tended to operate as monopolists.
    6. Best of all is Michael Ginsborg's sharply cursive, linear image, as taut as a carriage spring, pale red on paler pink and orange.
    7. The setting demanded, and received, the clearest animation of recitative, with taut human responses from the cast.
    8. Devaluing would further jangle their taut nerves. But the jury is still out on whether sterling is over-valued.
    9. Something as seemingly innocent as a prayer apparently can be explosive when involving the taut feelings of Palestinians and Israel's Jews.
    10. It seemed a bit more taut and less cushiony than that of the Lexus, yet I barely noticed bumps.
    11. However, the reason, presumably, is that it lasted two and a half hours and included some dreadfully boring passages. Vigorous editing could have transformed a wearisome 150 minute programme into a taut 50 minutes containing all the important bits.
    12. He's actually Pulitzer Prize-winner John Camp of the St. Paul Pioneer Press Dispatch, which also has the benefit of his taut prose.
    13. He said what made the surgery difficult was keeping the taut skin from breaking and the tumor from rupturing.
    14. The taut line of boom, some of it homemade, gives the appearance of a beaver dam during spring's high water.
    15. One helmeted fireman holds the taut reins.
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