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 tastefully   添加此单词到默认生词本
风流地, 高雅地

    [ adv ]
    with taste; in a tasteful manner
    the house was tastefully decorated

    Tasteful \Taste"ful\ (t[=a]st"f[.u]l), a.
    1. Having a high relish; savory. ``Tasteful herbs.'' --Pope.

    2. Having or exhibiting good taste; in accordance with good
    taste; tasty; as, a tasteful drapery.
    -- {Taste"ful*ly}, adv. --
    {Taste"ful*ness}, n.

    1. 'It's a super site and if it were tastefully developed it could be a landmark site.' Some British diplomats believe it could be foolish to sell the property outright.
    2. Such installations can look irrelevant or even silly, but this one is done so tastefully that it actually enhances our experience of the paintings.
    3. His office, guarded by a tight security system, is tastefully furnished with African art.
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