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 tank [tæŋk]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 槽, 箱, 柜, 罐, 池塘, 储水池, 坦克

vt. 储于箱中

[医] 槽, 池, 桶

[经] 储罐, 油罐, 大桶

    [ noun ]
    1. an enclosed armored military vehicle; has a cannon and moves on caterpillar treads

    2. <noun.artifact>
    3. a large (usually metallic) vessel for holding gases or liquids

    4. <noun.artifact>
    5. as much as a tank will hold

    6. <noun.quantity>
    7. a freight car that transports liquids or gases in bulk

    8. <noun.artifact>
    9. a cell for violent prisoners

    10. <noun.artifact>
    [ verb ]
    1. store in a tank by causing (something) to flow into it

    2. <verb.possession>
    3. consume excessive amounts of alcohol

    4. <verb.consumption>
    5. treat in a tank

    6. <verb.change>
      tank animal refuse

    Tank \Tank\ (t[a^][ng]k), n. [Pg. tanque, L. stangum a pool; or
    perhaps of East Indian origin. Cf. {Stank}, n.]
    1. A large basin or cistern; an artificial receptacle for

    2. A pond, pool, or small lake, natural or artificial.
    [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

    We stood in the afterglow on the bank of the tank
    and saw the ducks come home. --F.

    The tanks are full and the grass is high. --Lawson.
    [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

    3. (Mil.) a heavily armored combat vehicle which moves on
    caterpillar treads, rather than wheels. It typically
    carries a cannon and a heavy machine, and sometimes other
    weapons. It is the main distinguishing weapon of an
    armored division.

    4. a jail cell for temporarily holding prisoners, as in a
    police station.

    {Tank engine}, a locomotive which carries the water and fuel
    it requires, thus dispensing with a tender.

    {Tank iron}, plate iron thinner than boiler plate, and
    thicker than sheet iron or stovepipe iron.

    {Tank worm} (Zo["o]l.), a small nematoid worm found in the
    water tanks of India, supposed by some to be the young of
    the Guinea worm.

    Tank \Tank\ (t[a^][ng]k), n.
    A small Indian dry measure, averaging 240 grains in weight;
    also, a Bombay weight of 72 grains, for pearls. --Simmonds.

    1. Manuel Sanchez, director of the Center for Economic Research and Analysis, a private think tank, said in an interview that short-term anxiety will ease if investors see that the government is negotiating a solid, long-term agreement on the debt.
    2. They include Jack Weeks, who came up with the idea during the presidential campaign of putting the governor in an M-1 tank wearing a helmet, a notion that even Kitty Dukakis says turned out to be humiliating.
    3. "SDI is destined to be no more than a research program," said John Steinbruner, director of foreign policy studies at the Brookings Institution, a liberal think tank.
    4. Although the bill does not specifically address the cost of Operation Desert Shield, expected to total $15 billion in fiscal 1991, sea lifts and projects such as the M-1 tank are key to the U.S. buildup in the gulf.
    5. The Soviets have an estimated 355 Backfires now, according to the International Institute for Strategic Studies, a London-based think tank.
    6. "American troops will be entering a quagmire more complex than Vietnam," said Kevin Zeese, vice president of the Drug Policy Foundation, a Washington think tank that emphasizes the economic and social issues behind the drug problem.
    7. In Oklahoma, lightning struck an oil storage tank in Yukon, sparking a fire that destroyed a second tank and threatened a third tank saved by firefighters.
    8. In Oklahoma, lightning struck an oil storage tank in Yukon, sparking a fire that destroyed a second tank and threatened a third tank saved by firefighters.
    9. In Oklahoma, lightning struck an oil storage tank in Yukon, sparking a fire that destroyed a second tank and threatened a third tank saved by firefighters.
    10. He fell out of rank, got hit by a tank.
    11. The Connecticut-based company still maintains that the cause was sabotage by a disgruntled employee who put water in the tank unaware of what the full consequences would be, but it stops short of naming him.
    12. After assessing the weather late Monday, shuttle managers directed technicians to once more pump 524,000 gallons of liquid hydrogen and oxygen into Columbia's huge external fuel tank.
    13. Now, the tank walls are soundproofed and the pumps and filtration system are isolated from the exhibit so that the animals won't be bothered by vibrations.
    14. Olin Corp. was given a $69.4 million Army contract for 120mm tank ammunition.
    15. "You don't have to fall into a septic tank to know what it is," said the Rev. Avis Hill, a local minister who led the protest.
    16. One was from a 17-inch valve in a pipe that carries fuel from the tank to the engines; the other was in ground equipment, Malone said.
    17. General Dynamics Corp. was given a $27.4 million Army contract for M-60 tank improvements for Saudi Arabia.
    18. Elsa will remain connected to an oxygen tank for a few more months.
    19. The Jan. 2 accident, called one of the country's biggest inland oil spills, occurred as the 40-year-old tank was being filled for the first time since being moved from the Cleveland area.
    20. But Officials said the new British tank would be required to meet stringent standards over a 21-month development period.
    21. The fuel-tank collapse at Ashland's Floreffe Terminal that caused the contamination stemmed from a dime-sized flaw in the tank's nearly 50-year-old steel wall.
    22. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, an arm of the department, recently stepped up a probe of the converted Ford vans, saying it had received 283 complaints of fuel spurting out of the fuel tank filler-cap area.
    23. The 39-foot-high kerosene tank exploded in a residential area Tuesday morning while two workers soldered a pipeline at its base.
    24. The research agency said it was only after the collapse of an Ashland tank that EPA found faults with the company's spill prevention plan.
    25. And the captain of the tank landing ship Boulder was relieved of his command because the ship ran aground during a NATO exercise off the coast of Norway on Sept. 12.
    26. Instead, the regulators decided to tank Franklin and its $11 billion in assets.
    27. In other defense contracts awarded yesterday, Avco Lycoming, a unit of Textron Inc., received a $420.2 million Army contract for M-1 tank engines.
    28. The pipeline carries gasoline, diesel and jet fuel from a tank farm in nearby Colton, several miles from the blast site, to southern Nevada, supplying the Las Vegas Valley with 90 percent of its fuel.
    29. Suppose we supplied a new type of tank.
    30. In addition, the committee's Defense Policy Panel will hold a hearing May 9 with Soviet officials from the Institute for the USA and Canada, a Moscow think tank on superpower relations.
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