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 tamper ['tæmpɚ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vi. 干预, 拨弄, 贿赂, 损害, 篡改

vt. 篡改

n. 捣棒, 打夯机, 填塞者

[法] 影响, 干涉, 干预

    [ noun ]
    1. a tool for tamping (e.g., for tamping tobacco into a pipe bowl or a charge into a drill hole etc.)

    2. <noun.artifact>
    [ verb ]
    1. play around with or alter or falsify, usually secretively or dishonestly

    2. <verb.contact> fiddle monkey
      Someone tampered with the documents on my desk
      The reporter fiddle with the facts
    3. intrude in other people's affairs or business; interfere unwantedly

    4. <verb.social>
      Don't meddle in my affairs!

    Tamper \Tamp"er\, n.
    1. One who tamps; specifically, one who prepares for
    blasting, by filling the hole in which the charge is

    2. An instrument used in tamping; a tamping iron.

    Tamper \Tam"per\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Tampered}; p. pr. & vb.
    n. {Tampering}.] [A corruption of temper.]
    1. To meddle; to be busy; to try little experiments; as, to
    tamper with a disease.

    'T is dangerous tampering with a muse. --Roscommon.

    2. To meddle so as to alter, injure, or vitiate a thing.

    3. To deal unfairly; to practice secretly; to use bribery.

    Others tampered
    For Fleetwood, Desborough, and Lambert. --Hudibras.

    1. The measure, approved Thursday and having the support of administration officials, would make it illegal for train workers to tamper with safety devices.
    2. GOP pollster Richard Reed suspects another reason officials wish to hold back: "I don't think they want to tamper with consumer optimism" that has surged after the war.
    3. The legislation, passed by the House on Monday, would require train licenses for engineers, make it illegal for crews to tamper with safety devices and give the government more clout in handling safety violations.
    4. They do not even have to be good forgers; if the payee is not a customer of that bank or society, no attempt will be made to check the signature. If you must send a cheque through the post, you can make it less easy for fraudsters to tamper with it.
    5. He said many drivers tamper with their cars to pass annual emissions tests.
    6. Senate Minority Leader Bob Dole, R-Kan., said Republicans don't oppose placing limits on campaign spending but as a group don't want to tamper with the Constitution or vote for any legislation that would favor Democrats.
    7. David Sanders, a longtime pilot, bristles at the mere suggestion that a union might tamper with his flight schedule.
    8. Some of his colleagues at the NSC described the former Naval petty officer as "a pretty straight guy" who would have resisted any attempts to tamper with the documents and the index he controlled.
    9. Mr Staple does not want to tamper with the right to trial by jury.
    10. It inserted a small piece of extra computer code on hard disks but did not reproduce or tamper with other material on the disk.
    11. Under the new law, passengers who insist on lighting up will face civil fines of as much as $1,000, and passengers who tamper with smoke alarms in airplane lavatories will be liable for as much as $2,000 in penalties.
    12. The bill doesn't tamper with the current 55 mile-per-hour speed limit.
    13. Under those rules, passengers who insist on lighting up will face civil fines of as much as $1,000, and passengers who tamper with smoke alarms in airplane lavatories will be liable for as much as $2,000 in penalties.
    14. The Federal Reserve probably "doesn't want to tamper with what it has already set in motion," asserts Roger Shields, chief international economist at Chemical Bank.
    15. Mr. Riley said he hoped Congress would give him the authority to fine individuals who tamper with such devices.
    16. It looks good with anything from Levis to sleek grey flannels or a pinstripe suit. Even Dawn Mello, called in by Gucci to restore its tarnished name, felt little need to tamper with the loafer.
    17. You can't tamper with the past.
    18. The state Supreme Court justices decided they would not tamper with the intermediate court's action.
    19. Mr. Reagan's answer indicated he wouldn't initiate a proposal to tamper with Social Security, but he would look at the negotiators' product.
    20. "If we tamper with the Bill of Rights on the 200th anniversary of our Constitution, then we are ultimately diminishing every flag in America," said Sen. Thomas Daschle, D-S.D.
    21. OPEC oil ministers will gather this week to discuss the world oil market but are unlikely to tamper with a formula that has brought them higher-than-expected prices.
    22. She it was who fended off every bureaucrat, mainland or local, who tried to tamper with Sark's ways.
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