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 tachometer [tә'kɒmitә]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 转速计, 流速计

[医] 血流速度计

    [ noun ]
    measuring instrument for indicating speed of rotation

    Tachometer \Ta*chom"e*ter\, n. [Gr. ta`chos swiftness, speed
    (fr. tachy`s quick) + -meter: cf. F. tachom[`e]tre.]
    An instrument for measuring the velocity, or indicating
    changes in the velocity, of a moving body or substance.
    (a) An instrument for measuring the velocity of running water
    in a river or canal, consisting of a wheel with inclined
    vanes, which is turned by the current. The rotations of
    the wheel are recorded by clockwork.
    (b) An instrument for showing at any moment the speed of a
    revolving shaft, consisting of a delicate revolving
    conical pendulum which is driven by the shaft, and the
    action of which by change of speed moves a pointer which
    indicates the speed on a graduated dial.
    (c) (Physiol.) An instrument for measuring the velocity of
    the blood; a h[ae]matachometer.

    Hydrometer \Hy*drom"e*ter\, n. [Hydro-, 1 + -meter: cf. F.
    1. (Physics) An instrument for determining the specific
    gravities of liquids, and thence the strength spirituous
    liquors, saline solutions, etc.

    Note: It is usually made of glass with a graduated stem, and
    indicates the specific gravity of a liquid by the depth
    to which it sinks in it, the zero of the scale marking
    the depth to which it sinks in pure water. Extra
    weights are sometimes used to adapt the scale to
    liquids of different densities.

    2. An instrument, variously constructed, used for measuring
    the velocity or discharge of water, as in rivers, from
    reservoirs, etc., and called by various specific names
    according to its construction or use, as {tachometer},
    {rheometer}, {hydrometer}, {pendulum}, etc.; a current

    1. The maker of semiconductors and electronic equipment said Prestolite will buy Motorola's alternator product line and its electromechanical speedometer and tachometer product line for heavy duty trucks.
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