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 synergism ['sinədʒizm]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 协助作用, 协同

[医] 协同, 协作, 增效, 协作(指药物)

  1. The widespread synergism of plant virus is one of main factors leading to crop loss.
  2. The factors affecting the throwing power and the synergism of the additives are discussed.
  3. The discovery of synergism in virus-resistant transgenic plants severely constrains the of transgenic plants.

[ noun ]
  1. the working together of two things (muscles or drugs for example) to produce an effect greater than the sum of their individual effects

  2. <noun.process>
  3. the theological doctrine that salvation results from the interaction of human will and divine grace

  4. <noun.cognition>

Synergism \Syn"er*gism\, n. [See {Synergetic}.] (Theol.)
The doctrine or theory, attributed to Melanchthon, that in
the regeneration of a human soul there is a co["o]peration,
or joint agency, on the part both of God and of man.

Synergy \Syn"er*gy\, n. [Gr. ?. See {Synergetic}.]
2. Combined action; especially (Med.), the combined healthy
action of every organ of a particular system; as, the
digestive synergy.

2. An effect of the interaction of the actions of two agents
such that the result of the combined action is greater
than expected as a simple additive combination of the two
agents acting separately; -- also called {synergism.}.
Opposite to {antagonism}.

  1. Although an unstuffed turkey cooks faster and more evenly, and the Blues "have been on both sides of the big stuffing question" over the years, Blue said he finds the "synergism between the turkey and stuffing" to be more important.
  2. That blending of "charismatic expressiveness and high-church dignity" was celebrated April l5 in a "dynamic synergism" of both that "inspired standing ovations and joyous praise," reported The Ledger-Enquirer of Columbus.
  3. He said the effort "is going well so far" and that "synergism has started to work already."
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