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 syllabus ['sɪləbəs]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 摘要, 提纲, 课程表, 教学大纲

[医] 摘要, 要目

    [ noun ]
    an integrated course of academic studies
    he was admitted to a new program at the university

    Syllabus \Syl"la*bus\, n.; pl. E. {Syllabuses}, L. {Syllabi}.
    [L., fr. the same source as E. syllable.]
    1. A compendium containing the heads of a discourse, and the
    like; an abstract.

    2. (Law) The headnote of a reported case; the brief statement
    of the points of law determined prefixed to a reported
    case. The opinion controls the syllabus, the latter being
    merely explanatory of the former.
    [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

    1. At Lincoln Center's Juilliard Theater, the troupe's ballet school, founded in 1713 by Louis XIV, presented 90 of its pupils in a seven-hour precis of its training syllabus.
    2. Successful completion exempts students from part of the ICM's intermediate syllabus.
    3. At the secondary school level, the exam tracks the course syllabus and any educator who does not conscientiously prepare students for it is thought to be engaged in malpractice.
    4. The new syllabus distorts as well as reduces.
    5. But I do not see why it should not be part of our syllabus in secondary schools," Moi was quoted as saying in a speech.
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