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 sweat suit 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. That brand-new red Bulls sweat suit bled onto the other clothes.
  2. John: That brand-new red Bulls sweat suit bled onto the other clothes.
  3. To save money, the family rarely shops at major department stores, and Hiroto admits to wearing the same sweat suit for three decades.

sweat suit
[ noun ]
garment consisting of sweat pants and a sweatshirt

Sweat \Sweat\, n. [Cf. OE. swot, AS. sw[=a]t. See {Sweat}, v.
1. (Physiol.) The fluid which is excreted from the skin of an
animal; the fluid secreted by the sudoriferous glands; a
transparent, colorless, acid liquid with a peculiar odor,
containing some fatty acids and mineral matter;
perspiration. See {Perspiration}.

In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread.
--Gen. iii.

2. The act of sweating; or the state of one who sweats;
hence, labor; toil; drudgery. --Shak.

3. Moisture issuing from any substance; as, the sweat of hay
or grain in a mow or stack. --Mortimer.

4. The sweating sickness. [Obs.] --Holinshed.

5. (Man.) A short run by a race horse in exercise.

{Sweat box} (Naut.), a small closet in which refractory men
are confined.

{Sweat glands} (Anat.), sudoriferous glands. See under

{sweat suit} A suit comprising a top and trousers, having
full arms and legs, used while performing physical
exercises, esp. out-of-doors.

{Sweat equity} The rights to a portion of ownership or
profit, hypothetically owned by a worker who participated
in producing a product, such as in improving a piece of
real estate.

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