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 supervise ['supɚvaɪz]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 监督, 管理, 指导

vi. 监督, 管理, 指导

[法] 监督, 管理, 指导


    Supervise \Su`per*vise"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Supervised}; p.
    pr. & vb. n. {Supervising}.] [Pref. super- + L. visere to
    look at attentively, to view, surely, intens. from videre,
    visum, to see. Cf. {Survise}, and {Survey}.]
    1. To oversee for direction; to superintend; to inspect with
    authority; as, to supervise the construction of a steam
    engine, or the printing of a book.

    2. To look over so as to read; to peruse. [Obs.] --Shak.

    Syn: See {Superintend}.

    Supervise \Su`per*vise"\, n.
    Supervision; inspection. [Obs.]

    1. Iran's Khomeini has appointed a high-level committee to supervise talks for the release of foreign hostages held in Lebanon, according to the editor of the Lebanese magazine Ash Shiraa.
    2. Still, there is a limit to what can be achieved, as long as sovereign nations want to supervise the activities of banks under their jurisdiction in their own way.
    3. Under amendments it passed yesterday in defiance of a presidential veto, the Russian parliament gave itself and local parliaments the right to supervise media programmes.
    4. Its role is to supervise and advise on methods of privatisation, but it cannot sell companies, unlike the Development Fund, which is more like the Treuhand in Germany.
    5. Mr. Miller, a 45-year-old who describes his style as management by walking around, was to supervise.
    6. If Mr. Edelman and Dominion succeed in their bid to buy Burlington, Dominion Textile would likely supervise Burlington's operations.
    7. Ibrahimi, an Algerian diplomat, was asked by an Arab League committee to head a security committee to supervise the cease-fire and monitor ships to ensure that no weapons reach Lebanese factions.
    8. "Hygienists aren't trained to supervise the dental health of the public," says Joseph A. Devine, president of the American Dental Association.
    9. Kano, who was in a position to supervise the employment information industry between 1982-85, was wined and dined by Recruit at least 41 times, and received various gifts including golf sets and wristwatches, prosecutors said.
    10. Indeed, forcing Mr Budd into this role could give present him with an important internal conflict. Therefore one of the first acts of the group should be to elect someone other than Mr Budd to supervise the writing of the assessments.
    11. Currently, only the Federal Reserve performs annual examinations; the FDIC and the Comptroller of the Currency don't have enough examiners to visit every bank they supervise.
    12. Officers who directly supervise prisoners, meanwhile, carry no weapons.
    13. A four-man committee was formed to supervise the cease-fire, under which the combatants were to withdraw from the streets and free prisoners by Friday.
    14. That allows judges to appoint trustees to supervise the union and set the stage for free elections.
    15. Also reporting to him will be a new vice president for the property-casualty staff, who will supervise officers in charge of the actuarial, underwriting and administrative services functions, the company said.
    16. The government has accused some relief workers of using Operation Lifeline Sudan to ferry arms and supplies to rebels, and a government committee recommended Wednesday that government representatives supervise relief operations in southern Sudan.
    17. Richard V. Camp, Chadds Ford, Pa., a former branch manager, consented to a censure on findings that he failed to supervise a registered representative who engaged in excessive and unauthorized trading in a customer account.
    18. Time Warner will focus on developing programming, while United International will supervise the technical side of improving Hungary's cable systems.
    19. But for Carbide, based in Danbury, Conn., the Connecticut court now appears to be a legal forum that could approve settlements and supervise them.
    20. He did not name a replacement during his illness and continued to supervise the government by telephone from the hospital.
    21. KING HASSAN of Morocco yesterday named Mr Mohammed Karim Lamrani, 72, as the country's prime minister, Reuter reports from Rabat. Mr Lamrani will lead a 28-member government appointed to supervise elections due later this year.
    22. An eight-month investigation by Attorney General James E. O'Neil and Providence police said police failed to properly supervise Gilbert but recommended no disciplinary action.
    23. Poland's chief debt negotiator lost his job on Friday as the government accused him of failing to supervise officials who allegedly embezzled millions of dollars meant for debt repayment.
    24. An emergency session of Parliament on Sunday approved multiparty elections in about three months and appointed a group of elders to supervise polling.
    25. "As far as I know, (Gorbachev) decided to cut short his vacation in order to come here and personally supervise the work," Yeltsin told reporters.
    26. Mr. Meese has his own political reasons for failing to use his court-recognized authority to supervise the Walsh investigation.
    27. The instructors are non-commissioned officers who teach and supervise students in a three-week airborne course.
    28. Company presidents now supervise their own information systems and distribution centers, and Mr. Morosky's role as the Limited's top financial executive has been assumed by Mr. Gilman.
    29. Peter Hall Partridge of Massachusetts, a former branch manager of Moseley Securities Corp., agreed without admitting or denying wrongdoing to be censured and barred from a supervisory job for 30 days for allegedly failing to supervise.
    30. Olympia & York also will supervise a major restructuring of the Toronto-based retail and real estate concern.
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