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 supersonic [`supɚ'sɑnɪk]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 超声波的

[医] 超声[波]的

    [ adj ]
    1. (of speed) greater than the speed of sound in a given medium (especially air)

    2. <adj.all>
      a supersonic bomber flies so fast that it must release its bombs while the target is still over the horizon
    3. having frequencies above those of audible sound

    4. <adj.all>

    supersonic \su`per*son"ic\, a.
    1. Moving at a speed greater than the speed of sound in air;
    -- this speed varies with altitude, since the speed of
    sound varies with altitude, as well as with temperature
    and humidity, being approximately 1129 feet per second at
    sea level and 984 feet per second at 16 miles altitude.

    2. Capable of moving at speeds higher than the speed of
    sound; -- of aircraft.

    1. But Concorde still attracts its regular fliers, of whom some travel every week, and those individuals who are willing to pay the supersonic premium to arrive fresh. In addition, Concorde continues to attract a busy charter business.
    2. Now Pope John Paul II ranks as the world's number-one jet-setter, a supersonic pilgrim whose frequent-flyer mileage on more than 40 journeys outside Italy would take him to the moon and halfway back.
    3. A British Airways supersonic Concorde had to land at Bradley Airport outside Hartford, Conn. The plane was allowed to land at Kennedy two hours later.
    4. Air France has seven of the 100-seat supersonic jets.
    5. So far no country allows servicewomen to fly supersonic F-16s.
    6. Soviet aerospace designers met Monday with Gulfstream Aerospace Corp. officials to discuss a joint venture to develop a supersonic corporate jet that would hold 10 to 12 passengers.
    7. A 250-foot Indian merchant ship steamed toward port for repairs today after being accidentally hit by a supersonic "Harpoon" missile fired from a U.S. Navy jet, killing one crewman, authorities said.
    8. After a quick takeoff and supersonic growth, People Express eventually crashed as big competitors undercut Burr's discount fares to prevent him from taking away their customers.
    9. The Soviets are also designing a long-range supersonic cruise missile that would be more difficult to intercept.
    10. John Paul was flown from the island of Reunion in an Air France Concorde, the first time a pontiff has traveled in the supersonic passenger plane.
    11. In 1977, the supersonic airliner Concorde made its first landing in New York after 19 months of delays caused by residents concerned about noise.
    12. The Russians and Americans also got into the supersonic act.
    13. Develop larger subsonic jets of up to 1,000 seats for heavily traveled routes, supersonic commercial transports for international routes, and short-haul aircraft and miniports at suburban locations for transfer purposes.
    14. "We don't see anything flying before the turn of the century," said a spokesman for Seattle-based Boeing, which two decades ago watched as its supersonic transport program was canceled due in large part to economic uncertainties.
    15. Since the benefits of supersonic flight are 'enormous', he has no doubt that Concorde will be superseded by a second generation supersonic aircraft. 'It took just over 60 years to get from the Wright Brothers to Concorde.
    16. Since the benefits of supersonic flight are 'enormous', he has no doubt that Concorde will be superseded by a second generation supersonic aircraft. 'It took just over 60 years to get from the Wright Brothers to Concorde.
    17. The technology for superfast travel already exists, but the supersonic projects are trying to solve the problems of excessive sound and potential damage to the ozone resulting from such flights.
    18. Instead, the market will decide when and if a new supersonic airliner is built.
    19. Earlier this week, in an unrelated action, the French aircraft builder Aerospatiale announced an agreement to set up "an international study group" to look into the feasibility of building a successor to the aging supersonic Concorde.
    20. Last week, British Airways reduced the number of supersonic Concorde flights across the Atlantic.
    21. Aerospatiale has said if the study finds a new supersonic model is feasible, a faster, larger and longer range plane than the Concorde could be in the air by the year 2005.
    22. Dutch air force NF-5s, which have been replaced by supersonic F-16s, are scheduled for delivery to Turkey later this year.
    23. North of Paris, supersonic Concordes swoop over the farmlands of Picardy, studded with stone cathedrals and still partly tilled by peasants for whom a restaurant meal is an unthinkable luxury.
    24. She flew out of Kennedy International Airport on a Concorde supersonic jet during the afternoon.
    25. And remember: if you are really in a hurry to get to the Big Apple, the Air France Concorde supersonic aircraft arrives in New York before BA's. Separate check-in and priority luggage handling.
    26. Yet, the Navy's 1984 draft environmental-impact report on its Fallon-based supersonic operations suggests that "long-term public health data could be collected to test for possible health-related associations" with sonic booms.
    27. In 1977, regular passenger service between New York and Europe on the supersonic Concorde began on a trial basis as SST's from Air France and British Airways landed at John F. Kennedy International Airport.
    28. Quinn said the Nonella's ranch lay beneath both a military operations area and a supersonic flight range, and with more than 64,000 flights out of the naval air station each year in the late 1980s, it was logical there would be noise.
    29. But however lucrative the new work may be, it lacks the heart-pounding appeal of building supersonic jet fighters like the F-14 Tomcat, glorified by Hollywood in "Top Gun" and other movies.
    30. If the deal goes through, they will be working together on the supersonic engine only, and will compete in other areas.
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