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 subterranean [,sʌbtә'reinjәn]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 地下的, 秘密的

n. 地下室, 地下工作者

    [ adj ]
    1. being or operating under the surface of the earth

    2. <adj.all>
      subterranean passages
      a subsurface flow of water
    3. lying beyond what is openly revealed or avowed (especially being kept in the background or deliberately concealed)

    4. <adj.all>
      subterranean motives for murder
      looked too closely for an ulterior purpose in all knowledge

    Subterranean \Sub`ter*ra"ne*an\, Subterraneous
    \Sub`ter*ra"ne*ous\, a. [L. subterraneus; sub under + terra
    earth. See {Terrace}.]
    Being or lying under the surface of the earth; situated
    within the earth, or under ground; as, subterranean springs;
    a subterraneous passage. -- {Sub`ter*ra"ne*ous*ly}, adv.

    1. The nematodes then sift through the soil, seeking out and dining on subterranean bugs, including such farm pests as the root-weevil, termite and Colorado potato beetle.
    2. "Here's a guy who, as part of his pet project, wanted to remove the Rose Garden for subterranean parking," he scoffs.
    3. Then, during the 1980-88 Iran-Iraq war, Saddam Hussein's lieutenants created a subterranean network of trading companies to feed his war machine.
    4. Water and soil technicians are testing the water table level on and near Giza Plateau, checking whether subterranean water is causing salt to weaken the limestone.
    5. Ennobled and deeply loved, Countess Thatcher still writhes with grief at the thought of the monster of Baghdad lurking in his subterranean palace.
    6. Its subterranean crown throws forth 4-to-6-foot-tall stems of deep green, thick with deeply divided, fernlike leaves.
    7. New Yorkers don't see the vast majority of homeless, who virtually melt into the subterranean darkness.
    8. In the mounting horror and occasional hysteria, two people fall in love, and their subterranean happiness in spite of all the rest is credibly put across.
    9. He lays out "The Grifters," Jim Thompson's story of three hustlers in L.A., without mocking the subterranean universe they live in, or its rules.
    10. He pressed a comb to his lips and distracted his captive audience with a subterranean concert.
    11. The fanged, 4-inch African mammals are desired for their subterranean social habits, not their pink, wrinkled, looks.
    12. It has been affected by erosion, by atmosphere, climate or by subterranean waters." Hosni said antiquities officials are trying to protect the relic as its builders did, without using cement.
    13. This east-west London subterranean line linking Paddington and Liverpool stations was supposed to start construction in 1995 and open in 2000.
    14. Unlike other diving environs, the subterranean lake is devoid of life forms _ no sharks to worry about here _ and other distractions such as current, surges or tidal rushes.
    15. The proposed non-nuclear explosions are intended to simulate the impact of nuclear blasts on subterranean missile silos and evaluate the sturdiness of U.S. and Soviet deep-underground command and control facilities.
    16. Muffin and bagel shops abound in the subterranean shopping malls which criss-cross the financial district.
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