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 sublieutenant [,sʌblu:'tenәnt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 陆军少尉, 海军中尉

    [ noun ]
    an officer ranking next below a lieutenant

    Sublieutenant \Sub`lieu*ten"ant\, n. [Pref. sub + lieutenant:
    cf. F. sous-lieutenant.]
    An inferior or second lieutenant; in the British service, a
    commissioned officer of the lowest rank.

    Midshipman \Mid"ship`man\, n.; pl. {Midshipmen}.
    (a) Formerly, a kind of naval cadet, in a ship of war,
    whose business was to carry orders, messages, reports,
    etc., between the officers of the quarter-deck and
    those of the forecastle, and render other services as
    (b) In the English naval service, the second rank attained
    by a combatant officer after a term of service as
    naval cadet. Having served three and a half years in
    this rank, and passed an examination, he is eligible
    to promotion to the rank of lieutenant.
    (c) In the United States navy, the lowest grade of
    officers in line of promotion, being students or
    graduates of the Naval Academy awaiting promotion to
    the rank of ensign.

    2. (Zo["o]l.) An American marine fish of the genus
    {Porichthys}, allied to the toadfish; also called

    {Cadet midshipman}, formerly a title distinguishing a cadet
    line officer from a cadet engineer at the U. S. Naval
    Academy. See under {Cadet}.

    {Cadet midshipman}, formerly, a naval cadet who had served
    his time, passed his examinations, and was awaiting
    promotion; -- now called, in the United States,
    {midshipman}; in England, {sublieutenant}.

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