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 stuck [stʌk]   添加此单词到默认生词本

    [ adj ]
    1. caught or fixed

    2. <adj.all>
      stuck in the mud
    3. baffled

    4. <adj.all>
      this problem has me completely stuck

    Stick \Stick\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Stuck}(Obs. {Sticked}); p.
    pr. & vb. n. {Sticking}.] [OE. stikien, v.t. & i., combined
    with steken, whence E. stuck), AS. stician, v.t. & i., and
    (assumed) stecan, v.t.; akin to OFries. steka, OS. stekan,
    OHG. stehhan, G. stechen, and to Gr. ? to prick, Skr. tij to
    be sharp. Cf. {Distinguish}, {Etiquette}, {Extinct},
    {Instigate}, {Instinct}, {Prestige}, {Stake}, {Steak},
    {Stick}, n., {Stigma}, {Stimulate}, {Sting}, {Stitch} in
    sewing, {Style} for or in writing.]
    1. To penetrate with a pointed instrument; to pierce; to
    stab; hence, to kill by piercing; as, to stick a beast.

    And sticked him with bodkins anon. --Chaucer.

    It was a shame . . . to stick him under the other
    gentleman's arm while he was redding the fray. --Sir
    W. Scott.

    2. To cause to penetrate; to push, thrust, or drive, so as to
    pierce; as, to stick a needle into one's finger.

    Thou stickest a dagger in me. --Shak.

    3. To fasten, attach, or cause to remain, by thrusting in;
    hence, also, to adorn or deck with things fastened on as
    by piercing; as, to stick a pin on the sleeve.

    My shroud of white, stuck all with yew. --Shak.

    The points of spears are stuck within the shield.

    4. To set; to fix in; as, to stick card teeth.

    5. To set with something pointed; as, to stick cards.

    6. To fix on a pointed instrument; to impale; as, to stick an
    apple on a fork.

    7. To attach by causing to adhere to the surface; as, to
    stick on a plaster; to stick a stamp on an envelope; also,
    to attach in any manner.

    8. (Print.) To compose; to set, or arrange, in a composing
    stick; as, to stick type. [Cant]

    9. (Joinery) To run or plane (moldings) in a machine, in
    contradistinction to working them by hand. Such moldings
    are said to be stuck.

    10. To cause to stick; to bring to a stand; to pose; to
    puzzle; as, to stick one with a hard problem. [Colloq.]

    11. To impose upon; to compel to pay; sometimes, to cheat.

    {To stick out}, to cause to project or protrude; to render

    Stuck \Stuck\,
    imp. & p. p. of {Stick}.

    Stuck \Stuck\, n. [Cf. 1st {Stoccado}.]
    A thrust. [Obs.] --Shak.

    1. Meanwhile, the circus animals are stuck in Newburgh, N.Y. The company that was transporting the animals took them there, to its headquarters, when the tour broke off after performances in just two cities.
    2. Students stuck taking Russian by default don't give their teachers much joy.
    3. The fragmentation was acceptable when Chicago stuck to beans and bellies, but it does not work in the era of index arbitrage, when traders simultaneously do business in multiple markets.
    4. Back in the chase car, we drove around some more, got stuck in a ditch, enlisted the aid of a local farmer to get out the trailer hitch and pull us out of the ditch.
    5. The balloons had reflective "terror eyes" stuck on, but the balloons blew away in wind storms and the approach was abandoned.
    6. Soon, Mr. Bush may begin to feel like a voodoo doll, when he is stuck with explaining his administration's legacy of debts and deficits.
    7. As played by Helen Mirren, Tennison is a dedicated careerist stuck in a deadend job, a hard-edged, hard-smoking woman of a certain age.
    8. The prime lending rate has been stuck at 10 percent since last January.
    9. London's September contract was stuck between solid support at Dollars 900 and resistance around Dollars 940 a tonne.
    10. Earlier on, preparing for her seduction of Sloane, Kath puts on some easy-listening music; and only when Act 1 ends on their sex does the record get stuck in a silent groove.
    11. And the sun is really a 3-inch paper cutout, stuck to a wall since its appearance in the "Sowing the Seeds of Love" video.
    12. He stuck closely to his chosen themes, avoiding any open criticism of Jackson and refusing to speculate about the vice presidency.
    13. UK exports in 1991 amounted to 88,000 tonnes worth Pounds 123m. Mr Judge asserted that the UK industry faced much higher charges for compliance with EC legislation than did competitor countries, which stuck to the minimum prescribed levels.
    14. "For a lot of years I was stuck in that sort of mode.
    15. We feared that the weather would set in, the ferry would not sail and we would be stuck on the island.
    16. The stock market drifted lower today, still stuck in the neutral pattern of the past several sessions.
    17. Democrats don't want you to get stuck with the bill again.
    18. Digital Equipment Corp., the state's largest computer maker, also stuck with proprietary operating systems and failed to capitalize on the PC explosion.
    19. They kept this study alive, they stuck to their guns."
    20. The elephant stuff isn't moving and if things don't pick up, we're going to be stuck with it." Ella Wilson of Gautier, Miss., a vendor at the open-air French Market, faced a similar prospect.
    21. "When the boat was on the way the operation was canceled and the weapons were then stuck in Antigua," said Klein, a reserve army colonel who heads the Hod Hahanit private security firm in Israel.
    22. And Mr. Titcomb stuck by the old book in another way. While many bankers were making real-estate loans based solely on collateral, the appraised value of an unfinished project, Peoples' loans were based on secured cash flow.
    23. The unemployment rate remains stuck in double-digit figures and, as the structural upheavals continue, few economists are willing to predict any significant reduction in the foreseeable future.
    24. Feydeau himself improvised, but stuck to this rule: 'when two of my characters should under no circumstances encounter one another, I throw them together as quickly as possible.'
    25. The net result is that the market is stuck." But Mr. Robbins is betting that the deadlock will soon be broken and that stocks are destined to head higher.
    26. In the end, the disagreement was papered over and an enlarged Yugoslav peace conference, in which the UN will play an important role, was the direct result. Significantly, Mr Boutros Ghali stuck to his guns.
    27. I, for one, am very fond of Bols's drummerboy in Rotterdam, and Aart Van de Gelder's glowing paintings of Esther. Van de Gelder - sadly not in the exhibition - was the only pupil who stuck to a Rembrandtesque style once it became unfashionable.
    28. One of the images that's stuck with us in the past decade comes from a scene in "Kramer vs.
    29. 'To his eternal credit he has stuck to his last.
    30. You want to think that it would be good, but there's an apprehension about being stuck in a form with no content _ stuck in the same can of beans with none of the charge that turned you on to the first one.
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