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    1. The European Economic Community's economic sentiment indicator recovered strongly in March amid optimism about Europe's economic prospects for the next year, the EEC Commission said Thursday.
    2. In the past, the president's aloof management style often deflected criticism onto his advisers, but the report strongly suggests that Mr. Reagan's own failings encouraged the excesses of his aides.
    3. The debate is designed to allow the government to bring back next month the legislation to ratify the treaty. No one at Westminster doubts that the prime minister feels strongly about the issue.
    4. Dukakis also won more committed support in New Jersey, where the CBS-Times poll found that 54 percent of his voters backed him strongly, more than in most earlier races.
    5. "I would strongly hope that this issue can be put to rest" as a result of the report, said Suzanne Dilk, a former senior analyst with the Social Security Administration and one of four experts on the study panel.
    6. He is strongly Christian, but believes religion and politics have to be kept apart. In spite of his 'Paddy' nickname, Sir Patrick fears his Irish background is overplayed.
    7. "We feel very strongly we have observed excess energy," he said. "We feel confident in being able to measure the heat.
    8. Many like knowing where their kids are and believe strongly that a job, even if it is only flipping hamburgers at a fast-food joint, builds character and teaches good work habits.
    9. He lauded the group for its accomplishments and said: "If we do this enough, and if I make the point how strongly I feel about what you do, I think the country will understand very clearly what I mean when I talk about 1,000 points of light," he said.
    10. He also made some half-hearted attempts to dilute Communist Party domination, but he remained strongly opposed to any real measures that would have limited Communist power.
    11. "Today's reversal of field will require adjustment of a fairly large number of significant First Amendment holdings," Justice Scalia said in a dissent that he actually read from the bench because he felt so strongly about the issue.
    12. Bush, after leading strongly in public opinion polls in New Hampshire, saw his advantage melt away after he finished third in the Iowa caucuses Feb. 8, beaten by Dole and former television evangelist Pat Robertson.
    13. However, the legislation gives the secretary an escape clause by which he can avoid holding such talks; Treasury Secretary James Baker, who opposes a debt facility strongly, is expected to use that mechanism.
    14. "Before this study, we didn't know if there were other defects associated strongly with older age we weren't testing for," added Dr. Baird, a professor of medical genetics.
    15. And despite a strongly anti-abortion plank in the Republican Party's platform, party officials have made clear they do not want the issue to be a litmus test for the party's candidates or supporters.
    16. BBA Group, noticeably weaker the previous day on the cash call for Pounds 79.1m. steadied at 128p. London International Group, the consumer products and services company, advanced strongly amid talk that Genting of Malaysia was keen to boost its stake.
    17. Business inventories climbed in May for the 17th consecutive month, the government said, but sales also rose strongly, easing economists' worries that too many goods are accumulating on shelves and back lots.
    18. Morocco has sided with fellow Arab nations such as Egypt, Syria and Saudi Arabia, strongly condemning the Iraqi invasion and annexation of Kuwait.
    19. Both strongly deny any conflict.
    20. Nordstrom employees in Seattle area stores voted strongly to oust the union that has represented them for six decades. It isn't clear if the union will file objections to the vote.
    21. His statement announcing the action strongly suggested that it was due to the remarks attributed to Rooney.
    22. It gives them something to talk about when they get out." Assistant Police Chief Robert Vernon, who is supervising the sweeps, strongly disagreed.
    23. Shamir, in putting down a challenge to his leadership, came out strongly in favor of more Jewish settlements in the occupied territories and the exclusion of 140,000 Arabs in east Jerusalem from proposed elections to choose Palestinian negotiators.
    24. Two-thirds of respondents said they strongly felt the need to be successful in their jobs, while fewer than half said they strongly felt the need to spend more time with their families.
    25. Two-thirds of respondents said they strongly felt the need to be successful in their jobs, while fewer than half said they strongly felt the need to spend more time with their families.
    26. Congressional talks on a final clean air bill began Friday as a White House aide said the president remains strongly opposed to giving financial aid to workers who lose jobs because of tougher pollution requirements.
    27. The rockers tend to blur together on the second side, until the record ends strongly with the bluesy "Hand to Mouth," featuring excellent guitar by Rick Richards and the piano of guest Ian McLagan.
    28. The authors argue strongly against such an approach: "Dependency at the beginning of the life cycle is between 50% and 100% as costly as dependency at the end of the life cycle.
    29. But in Malaysia, where foreign investment has been strongly encouraged, the figure is 20 per cent.
    30. Specialty stores that performed strongly generally offered fashionable merchandise at moderate to low prices, Mr. Buchanan said.
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