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 strewn [strun]   添加此单词到默认生词本

    Strewn \Strewn\,
    p. p. of {Strew}.

    Strew \Strew\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Strewed}; p. p. {strewn}; p.
    pr. & vb. n. {Strewing}.] [OE. strewen, strawen, AS.
    strewian, stre['o]wian; akin to Ofries. strewa, OS. strewian,
    D. strooijen, G. streuen, OHG. strewen, Icel. str[=a], Sw.
    str["o], Dan. str["o]e, Goth. straujan, L. sternere, stratum,
    Gr. ?, ?, Skr. st?. [root]166. Cf. {Stratum}, {Straw},
    1. To scatter; to spread by scattering; to cast or to throw
    loosely apart; -- used of solids, separated or separable
    into parts or particles; as, to strew seed in beds; to
    strew sand on or over a floor; to strew flowers over a

    And strewed his mangled limbs about the field.

    On a principal table a desk was open and many papers
    [were] strewn about. --Beaconsfield.

    2. To cover more or less thickly by scattering something over
    or upon; to cover, or lie upon, by having been scattered;
    as, they strewed the ground with leaves; leaves strewed
    the ground.

    The snow which does the top of Pindus strew.

    Is thine alone the seed that strews the plain?

    3. To spread abroad; to disseminate.

    She may strew dangerous conjectures. --Shak.

    1. Other useful items of information are strewn about the pages at random, not neatly boxed, as is usually the case.
    2. A friend who recently sailed the Atlantic in a small boat reports finding garbage strewn all the way across.
    3. A double-wide mobile home and a metal shop were the only buildings left standing in the trailer park, which was strewn with fragments of buildings and overturned automobiles.
    4. I'm still in love." _ Heavyweight boxing champion Mike Tyson, about his feelings following a weekend rampage that left glass strewn around his Bernardsville, N.J., mansion.
    5. Furniture, clothes, food, dolls and insulation were strewn about.
    6. About 30 empty packing tubes for 60mm mortar rounds, as well as tubes for launching homemade bombs were strewn about the building early Thursday.
    7. "We hope those photographs will be able to detect metal that is strewn in thick cornfields in that area," he said.
    8. The Globe itself looks like a bombed site, and the Rose lurks beneath the Rose Court office block strewn with banners advertising space to let.
    9. Orange nylon bodies are strewn everywhere.
    10. At midnight the Congress of the United States must face up to the shutdown of government services and resulting confusion that will be strewn across this land because we could not produce a budget.
    11. Six smaller gun barrels are strewn nearby, amid alder and scrub maple trees.
    12. The bottom was strewn with snags, and many a week's pocket money was swallowed up on the hooks and leads we left there.
    13. Tony Walton's stylized set is mostly a series of picture frames and a couch or two strewn on the playing area.
    14. But investigators identified her from personal belongings strewn around the area - her passport, found at Langholm, 18 miles away, and her London Transport photocard.
    15. Huge blocks of concrete that formed the mine mouth lay strewn about the area, and the charred remains of a coal conveyer system were being removed by workers.
    16. Debris was strewn over an area of 50 by 120 yards, police said.
    17. The road to peace remains strewn with hazards, primarily of Iraqi making.
    18. Residents dug through debris Sunday to find belongings strewn by a series of tornadoes, including five pickup trucks that were flung a quarter of a mile, officials said.
    19. The evidence is strewn throughout "The Palace" (Doubleday, 313 pages, $18.95).
    20. The streets are grimy and litter strewn, the people who walk them poor and seeming sad, the towers of the City rearing over them, close by but detached.
    21. But relief workers say that the most common, and most insidious, are the so-called butterfly mines, light camouflaged explosives strewn like autumn leaves from helicopters and planes, and the booby traps planted randomly around villages.
    22. "There were pieces strewn all over the place," said Anthony Baroco, owner of a four-unit apartment building that was destroyed. The other four damaged apartments were in a neighboring building.
    23. But more than 4,000 of the city's 8,500 parking meters have been bashed in, broken open or ripped right out of the ground and carted off. Police find the twisted metal carcasses strewn under freeway underpasses and in parks.
    24. Ms. Barnes gathered the broken bottles and crushed cans strewn about the woods and fastened them to a tree trunk with the help of a material not found on the forest floor, shrink wrap.
    25. Merchants also accused police of overturning open air stalls lining the sidewalk near the Damascus Gate, where the ground was strewn with vegetables and boxes of goods.
    26. Smoking pieces of wreckage, covered with firefighting foam, were strewn around a muddy hillside.
    27. I had no idea what it was." Orrenmaa said he saw what appeared to be firecrackers strewn around the house where the largest explosion occurred. Investigators had not yet determined whether all of the explosions occurred at the same house.
    28. Mr. Covert had to search through law books scattered on the floor of his office yesterday, and Mr. Belli's courtyard was strewn with bricks.
    29. One room was destroyed, with the roof collapsed and charred debris strewn throughout.
    30. Nothing is strewn on the floor in Smitt's own closet, which is more like an entire room in her West Bloomfield home.
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