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 stretched 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. The desert stretched away into the distance.
  2. The painter stretched the canvas on a frame.

[ adj ]
  1. (of muscles) relieved of stiffness by stretching

  2. <adj.all>
    well-stretched muscles are less susceptible to injury
  3. extended or spread over a wide area or distance

  4. <adj.all>
    broad fields lay stretched on both sides of us

Stretch \Stretch\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Stretched}; p. pr. & vb.
n. {Stretching}.] [OE. strecchen, AS. streccan; akin to D.
strekken, G. strecken, OHG. strecchen, Sw. str["a]cka, Dan.
str[ae]kke; cf. AS. str[ae]ck, strec, strong, violent, G.
strack straight; of uncertain origin, perhaps akin to E.
strong. Cf. {Straight}.]
1. To reach out; to extend; to put forth.

And stretch forth his neck long and small.

I in conquest stretched mine arm. --Shak.

2. To draw out to the full length; to cause to extend in a
straight line; as, to stretch a cord or rope.

3. To cause to extend in breadth; to spread; to expand; as,
to stretch cloth; to stretch the wings.

4. To make tense; to tighten; to distend forcibly.

The ox hath therefore stretched his yoke in vain.

5. To draw or pull out to greater length; to strain; as, to
stretch a tendon or muscle.

Awake, my soul, stretch every nerve. --Doddridge.

6. To exaggerate; to extend too far; as, to stretch the
truth; to stretch one's credit.

They take up, one day, the most violent and
stretched prerogative. --Burke.

  1. The sterling value of overseas equities and bonds was also greatly increased. So, it all worked out well in the end, but, nevertheless, the fundamentals of UK equity market valuation are stretched.
  2. There are nine restaurants, cafes or bars - and 38 blocks of toilets. The view down the length of the building from the inside is 614 metres long. Basically, the terminal has a large central core, with two arms stretched out straight on each side of it.
  3. When regular fire crews were stretched thin all across the West, Army troops, and then Marines, were sent to Yellowstone.
  4. The shares were further affected by recurrent speculation that the bank might bid for TSB. US house Lehman Brothers also voiced caution, arguing that: 'The shares looked stretched without a new source of operating gains.'
  5. By the mid-1950s, his dealer network stretched from Portland and Los Angeles to Miami and New York and accounted for 250,000 rentals a year.
  6. However, Claiborne has already diversified into everything from menswear to large sizes, and some question how much further the seemingly ubiquitous Liz label can be stretched.
  7. "OK you guys, spread out," aerobics instructor Jan Voellinger said as the jury stood and stretched the length of one wall in the small courtroom.
  8. Apparently not fully stretched in his role scrutinising the glamorous world of building societies, Robert Villiers, analyst at UBS, has released a dance CD single and video.
  9. A strike at Asarco Inc.'s Ray copper mine in Arizona stretched into its sixth day Friday.
  10. The thin line system _ 52 of the 56 towers have been built _ looks like a giant "8" stretched across the country, with the center at the Strategic Air Command headquarters at Omaha, Neb.
  11. Another long year stretched before him with nothing much to do except feed his reindeer and re-paint his sleigh.
  12. As one general secretary put it: 'We will be very stretched by that.' Much more subversive for the unions, however, was the government's white paper on market testing, Competing for Quality, published last year.
  13. Side by side, they are broad-shouldered and handsome, heads tipped back, mouths stretched wide, eyes crinkled shut.
  14. By the time of Wood's slaying, prosecutors say, his drug empire stretched from Florida to Las Vegas.
  15. His feeling for prosody is remarkable - extra syllables just crammed in where necessary and the music stretched to fit.
  16. In the elite circle of combat aviators, there is no greater skill than a perfect carrier landing - catching the third of four wires stretched across a rolling, pitching deck with a hook under the tail of an F-14 interceptor or A-7 light-attack aircraft.
  17. Wright could say, `OK, I probably stretched it too far,' and donate the money to charity without admitting wrongdoing, she said.
  18. The Democrats also stretched out the tax benefits of their proposal to permit businesses an extra 10% depreciation deduction on new equipment pruchases this year.
  19. Aerospace industry executives close to International Lease Finance Corp., said the aircraft lessor based in Beverly Hills, Calif., is interested in acquiring as many as 100 of the stretched model, if McDonnell gives the project the green light.
  20. Bargaining among the White House, bill sponsors and conservative senators stretched into the early evening Monday but failed to produce an agreement on the embattled civil rights bill.
  21. Patches of light rain continued along the Pacific Coast, and rain stretched over a large area from north-central Texas to Oklahoma, northwest Arkansas, central and southern Missouri and western Kentucky.
  22. There was only one vote against the 126-point program from the 1,074 delegates, who carefully discussed the nuances of each clause in a debate that stretched into early today.
  23. Some people arrived before dawn at the polling places and waited in lines that stretched for blocks to receive their three paper ballots: one each for president, Senate and House of Deputies.
  24. The Treasury said that taxpayers now have greater concern about how far deposit insurance has been stretched.
  25. Northern Mexico, a place of its own kind stretched along the U.S. border, has for years suffered a reputation as an untamed wilderness inhabited by barbarians.
  26. Their tours were stretched to 30 days on, two weeks off.
  27. In their order, the judges also said, "The trust's funds must be stretched by cutting administrative costs and fees to both its own and plaintiffs' attorneys."
  28. Promises to privatize huge state companies, such as Philippine National Airlines and Manila Electric Co., have stretched into long studies and excuses for delay.
  29. The completed wall finally stretched 3,700 miles from the desert plains of north-central China to the sea.
  30. Despite that pledge, the murders have stretched U.S. support for the Salvadoran government to its limit.
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