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 stowing 添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 积载;填充;堆装
v. 堆装;贮藏(stow的ing形式)

  1. Keywords stowing length;particle vibration velccity;safe distance;blasting flying rocks;
  2. The surest way to get out alive is to take basic precautions, such as stowing a survival kit in your car.
  3. It explains the visible procedure design of the stowing and loading according to the foregoing model in details.

[ noun ]
the act of packing or storing away

Stow \Stow\ (st[=o]), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Stowed} (st[=o]d); p.
pr. & vb. n. {Stowing}.] [OE. stowen, fr. stowe a place, AS.
stow; cf. Icel. eldst[=o]a fireplace, hearth, OFries. st[=o],
and E. stand. [root]163.]
1. To place or arrange in a compact mass; to put in its
proper place, or in a suitable place; to pack; as, to
stowbags, bales, or casks in a ship's hold; to stow hay in
a mow; to stow sheaves.

Some stow their oars, or stop the leaky sides.

2. To put away in some place; to hide; to lodge.

Foul thief! where hast thou stowed my daughter?

3. To arrange anything compactly in; to fill, by packing
closely; as, to stow a box, car, or the hold of a ship.

Stowing \Stow"ing\, n. (Mining)
A method of working in which the waste is packed into the
space formed by excavating the vein.

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