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 stormy ['stɒ:mi]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 暴风雨的, 粗暴的, 激烈的

    stormier, stormiest
    [ adj ]
    1. (especially of weather) affected or characterized by storms or commotion

    2. <adj.all>
      a stormy day
      wide and stormy seas
    3. characterized by violent emotions or behavior

    4. <adj.all>
      a stormy argument
      a stormy marriage

    Stormy \Storm"y\, a. [Compar. {Stormier}; superl. {Stormiest}.]
    1. Characterized by, or proceeding from, a storm; subject to
    storms; agitated with furious winds; biosterous;
    tempestous; as, a stormy season; a stormy day or week.
    ``Beyond the stormy Hebrides.'' --Milton.

    2. Proceeding from violent agitation or fury; as, a stormy
    sound; stormy shocks.

    3. Violent; passionate; rough; as, stormy passions.

    Stormy chiefs of a desert but extensive domain.
    --Sir W.

    1. "A commander doesn't abandon his ship in stormy weather." _ Noriega responding to questions about whether he would step down in the face of pressure from the United States, May 1988.
    2. Trade magazines have been full of comments, and ABC's "Nightline" has held some stormy debates.
    3. Last November, it said it would close the Norwood plant, and GM officials said the Van Nuys contract, compared with traditionally stormy labor-management relations in Norwood, contributed to that choice.
    4. The barge broke loose from a tug in stormy weather Tuesday afternoon 20 miles south of Cape St. Elias in the Gulf of Alaska, near the entrance to Prince William Sound.
    5. He postulates a last-ditch National Commission to Rebuild Canada in 1996, the failure of which leads to Quebec's stormy unilateral declaration of independence four years later.
    6. If this is not the time to stand and fight, when? His tough talk underscored the hard-line stance taken by other senior officials earlier in the day's stormy parliament session.
    7. According to court documents, they had a stormy relationship, and Miguel T. on several occasions had been so physically abusive that Louise N. needed medical treatment.
    8. Subversive!" A Labor-Likud coalition, which has ruled Israel through eight stormy years of repeated crises, collapsed Tuesday when Shamir fired Peres and the other 10 Labor ministers resigned.
    9. Ava Gardner, the farmer's daughter who fled Hollywood for Europe after her stormy life began to match the femme fatale roles she played on screen, died today, a friend said.
    10. In fact, they are going through a stormy time.
    11. At a February breakfast meeting that participants recall as stormy, major shareholders urged Mr. Brennan to break up Sears.
    12. "The wind erosion is important," said Sveinn Jakobsson, head of the geology department at the Icelandic Museum of Natural History. "This is a very stormy place." The assault of the elements is wearing Surtsey down, too.
    13. The stormy political waters that have rocked Mr. Thornburgh lately aren't likely to become calm anytime soon.
    14. He is engaged to be married for a third time after a stormy divorce that ended an 18-month marriage to his second wife, Peggy Johnson.
    15. Febres Cordero, whose four-year term ends in August, has had a stormy relationship with the leftist and populist parties that controlled congress.
    16. Merrill was best known for his supporting roles in the movies "Twelve O'Clock High" and "All About Eve" and for his stormy marriage to actress Bette Davis.
    17. Tass said the latest resolution caused stormy debate Sunday in the Estonian legislature, and that 46 deputies walked out at one point to protest the refusal to postpone the vote.
    18. Mr. Meese's resignation ends a stormy career in the Reagan administration.
    19. The controversy over the shooting caused a stormy session of Parliament's Defense and Foreign Affairs Committee on Tuesday during which the Chief of Staff Lt.
    20. The jet-setting former first lady divorced Trudeau in 1983 while he was still prime minister, following a stormy marriage and seven-year separation.
    21. A dredger capsized and sank in stormy seas off the Belgian coast early today, and two of the 10 crew members were killed and another two were missing, the coast guard said.
    22. Tamaz Gamkrelidze, director of Georgia's Institute of Eastern Studies, won stormy applause after demanding that Col. Gen.
    23. Koziols said the Latvian parliament voted after a stormy debate that lasted more than three hours.
    24. Robert Gates, who after stormy hearings was confirmed by the Senate last night as the new director of central intelligence, will be the man largely responsible for overhauling this intelligence machine.
    25. He was named to the post, which he will hold until 1989, at a stormy city council meeting.
    26. For its part, Britain's Conservative government faces a stormy autumn as it embarks on the ratification process for Maastricht.
    27. Day seven: After a stormy, all-night cruise past Cape Catastrophe, we arrive at Dangerous Reef, a desolate patch of rocks laden with growling sea lions and noisy cormorants and gulls.
    28. The shares finished 14 higher at 298p. Ship builder VSEL is set for stormy waters after losing the Type 23 frigate order to Yarrow.
    29. For example, the Parthenon and its Marbles.' Unfortunately, mention of the Marbles triggered a stormy reaction in Georgios the biker.
    30. The Dona Marilyn crew reported engine trouble Monday while en route from Manila to Tacloban City and said the ship was listing in stormy seas.
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