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 stolid ['stɑlɪd]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 缺乏热情的, 神经麻木的

  1. He conceals his feelings behind a rather stolid manner.
  2. The Queen, however, adopted a stolid expression and flicked her eyes to her left in a look of reproach.
  3. Who so stolid and selfish that would not give his voice to swell the hallelujahs of a nation's jubilee, when the chains of servitude had been torn from his limbs?

[ adj ]
having or revealing little emotion or sensibility; not easily aroused or excited
her impassive remotenesshe remained impassive, showing neither interest in nor concern for our plight
a silent stolid creature who took it all as a matter of course
her face showed nothing but stolid indifference

Stolid \Stol"id\, a. [L. stolidus.]
Hopelessly insensible or stupid; not easily aroused or
excited; dull; impassive; foolish.

  1. It is perhaps an indication of Hanson's stolid mass that a Dollars 3.2bn deal will have a modest impact on the company's prospects.
  2. The French view it as the archetype of "la province," a term that designates everything that isn't Paris and conjures up images of stolid conservatism.
  3. As might be expected, these documents tend to be sensible, stolid and undramatic.
  4. As Teresina, the maiden who is drowned in the Bay of Naples and ends up as a Nereid in the Blue Grotto before being restored to life by her faithful fisherman lover, Gennaro, Linda Hindberg was too inflexible in body and too stolid in personality.
  5. The premier's stolid face appears on the cover of this week's Economist magazine beside the caption: "Father of Palestine."
  6. Jimmy and Rosalynn are also humorless, stolid and, when they express an opinion, you already will have heard it a thousand numbing times before.
  7. A stolid, reticent man who was named chief executive in 1983, Mr. Brown was spotlighted in 1985 when the bank pleaded guilty to criminal charges of failing to report $1.2 billion in large cash transactions and paid a $500,000 fine.
  8. It is stamped on the face of Ulan Bator _ in the stolid Soviet-style buildings, the central square that imitates Red Square, the Soviet-made Volga and Lada cars.
  9. But the method, as stolid as it seems in its execution, produced a shimmering and indeterminate world against which the static and caricatured nature of the subjects, the figures in the paintings, stand in vivid contrast.
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