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 stoker ['stokɚ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 司炉, 加煤机, 自动添煤装置

[化] 加煤机

  1. My stoker manages my portfolio for me.
  2. The feasibility of admixing blast furnace gas to spreader-stoker-coal fired boilers is being discussed.
  3. Gerry Stoker, Governance as Theory: Five Propositions. International Social Science Journal No155, March1998.

[ noun ]
  1. Irish writer of the horror novel about Dracula (1847-1912)

  2. <noun.person>
  3. a laborer who tends fires (as on a coal-fired train or steamship)

  4. <noun.person>
  5. a mechanical device for stoking a furnace

  6. <noun.artifact>

Stoker \Stok"er\, n. [D. See {Stoke}, v. t.]
1. One who is employed to tend a furnace and supply it with
fuel, especially the furnace of a locomotive or of a
marine steam boiler; also, a machine for feeding fuel to a

2. A fire poker. [R.] --C. Richardson (Dict.).

  1. For that he was made a furnace stoker. It happened to many." We walked through the streets and main square of the inner city, my uncle convincing me that my vague remembrance of Old World charm was not mere nostalgia.
  2. Mr. Dienstbier had been fired from his position as a Czechoslovak Radio foreign correspondent for opposing the 1968 Soviet invasion and was forced to work as a furnace stoker in the construction of the city subways.
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