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 sterna ['stɚnəm]   添加此单词到默认生词本
胸, 胸骨

    [ noun ]
    a genus of Sterninae

    Sternum \Ster"num\, n.; pl. L. {Sterna}, E. {Sternums}. [NL.,
    from Gr. ?, the breast, chest.]
    1. (Anat.) A plate of cartilage, or a series of bony or
    cartilaginous plates or segments, in the median line of
    the pectoral skeleton of most vertebrates above fishes;
    the breastbone.

    Note: The sternum is connected with the ribs or the pectorial
    girdle, or with both. In man it is a flat bone, broad
    anteriorly, narrowed behind, and connected with the
    clavicles and the cartilages of the seven anterior
    pairs of ribs. In most birds it has a high median keel
    for the attachment of the muscles of the wings.

    2. (Zo["o]l.) The ventral part of any one of the somites of
    an arthropod.

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