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 standup 添加此单词到默认生词本
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    1. The festival features mostly standup comics.
    2. They also "have gotten a lot more sophisticated about using celebrities, rather than just exchanging a standup announcer for a celebrity," says Laurence Charles' Mr. Goldschmidt.
    3. On Wednesday, three up-and-coming comedians do their standup routines on Showtime's "Funnymen: Triple Clowns of Comedy" with Pat Morita as host.
    4. The trio sing with pristine precision while playing acoustic guitar, fiddle and standup bass.
    5. Michael Pritchard is a former probation officer with the San Francisco Police, and a successful standup comedian.
    6. Brown began doing a standup comedy act with Coffey while attending ACT in San Francisco.
    7. This year there have been the likes of Michael Moschen, a pretentious new-age juggler who aspires to dance but doesn't come close, and the conventional standup comedy and pitiable singing of Harry Shearer.
    8. He has a movie due out in April, "Rocket Gibraltar," in which he plays Burt Lancaster's son, a standup comic.
    9. The new host is standup comic Ray Combs.
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