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 stand someone up 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. Stand up for someone or something you believe in. A quick sentence of support can do wonders and expand your influence.
  2. You could have been that person, taught your future kids that lesson, instead of being the person to lie, blend in with the crowd and refuse to stand up for someone else.
    你原本可以是那个做为未来孩 子身教的人,而不是那个说谎的人,那个隐身在群众中拒绝替别人挺身而出的人。
  3. I hope that one day you realize that instead of being the norm and taking the evil and hateful action you did, you had the chance to stand up for someone and make a difference and be the change.
    我希望有一天你能意识到,与其顺从着社会常态做些邪恶又充满仇恨的行动,你曾有机会为某个人挺身而出,并做些什么不一样的 事。

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