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 stancher [stæntʃ添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 止血药

    Stanch \Stanch\, a. [Compar. {Stancher} (-[~e]r); superl.
    {Stanchest}.] [From {Stanch}, v. t., and hence literally
    signifying, stopped or stayed; cf. Sp. estanco stopped,
    tight, not leaky, as a ship. See {Stanch}, v. t.] [Written
    also {staunch}.]
    1. Strong and tight; sound; firm; as, a stanch ship.

    One of the closets is parqueted with plain deal, set
    in diamond, exceeding stanch and pretty. --Evelyn.

    2. Firm in principle; constant and zealous; loyal; hearty;
    steady; steadfast; as, a stanch churchman; a stanch friend
    or adherent. --V. Knox.

    In politics I hear you 're stanch. --Prior.

    3. Close; secret; private. [Obs.]

    This is to be kept stanch. --Locke.

    Stancher \Stanch"er\ (st[.a]nch"[~e]r), n.
    One who, or that which, stanches, or stops, the flowing, as
    of blood.

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