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 stag party 添加此单词到默认生词本

    stag party
    [ noun ]
    a party for men only (or one considered suitable for men only)

    Stag \Stag\ (st[a^]g), n. [Icel. steggr the male of several
    animals; or a doubtful AS. stagga. Cf. {Steg}.]
    1. (Zo["o]l.)
    (a) The adult male of the red deer ({Cervus elaphus}), a
    large European species closely related to the American
    elk, or wapiti.
    (b) The male of certain other species of large deer.

    2. A colt, or filly; also, a romping girl. [Prov. Eng.]

    3. A castrated bull; -- called also {bull stag}, and {bull
    seg}. See the Note under {Ox}.

    4. (Stock Exchange)
    (a) An outside irregular dealer in stocks, who is not a
    member of the exchange. [Cant]
    (b) One who applies for the allotment of shares in new
    projects, with a view to sell immediately at a
    premium, and not to hold the stock. [Cant]

    5. (Zo["o]l.) The European wren. [Prov. Eng.]

    {Stag beetle} (Zo["o]l.), any one of numerous species of
    lamellicorn beetles belonging to {Lucanus} and allied
    genera, especially {Lucanus cervus} of Europe and {Lucanus
    dama} of the United States. The mandibles are large and
    branched, or forked, whence the name. The larva feeds on
    the rotten wood of dead trees. Called also {horned bug},
    and {horse beetle}.

    {Stag dance}, a dance by men only. [Slang, U.S.]

    {Stag hog} (Zo["o]l.), the babiroussa.

    {Stag-horn coral} (Zo["o]l.), any one of several species of
    large branching corals of the genus {Madrepora}, which
    somewhat resemble the antlers of the stag, especially
    {Madrepora cervicornis}, and {Madrepora palmata}, of
    Florida and the West Indies.

    {Stag-horn fern} (Bot.), an Australian and West African fern
    ({Platycerium alcicorne}) having the large fronds branched
    like a stag's horns; also, any species of the same genus.

    {Stag-horn sumac} (Bot.), a common American shrub ({Rhus
    typhina}) having densely velvety branchlets. See {Sumac}.

    {Stag party}, a party consisting of men only. [Slang, U. S.]

    {Stag tick} (Zo["o]l.), a parasitic dipterous insect of the
    family {Hippoboscid[ae]}, which lives upon the stag and is
    usually wingless. The same species lives also upon the
    European grouse, but in that case has wings.

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