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 squire [skwaɪr]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 乡绅, 大地主, 治安官

vt. 随侍, 护卫

vi. 当乡绅

[法] 大地主, 乡绅, 地主

    [ noun ]
    1. young nobleman attendant on a knight

    2. <noun.person>
    3. an English country landowner

    4. <noun.person>
    5. a man who attends or escorts a woman

    6. <noun.person>
    [ verb ]
    1. attend upon as a squire; serve as a squire

    2. <verb.motion>

    Squire \Squire\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {squired} (skw[imac]rd); p.
    pr. & vb. n. {squiring}.]
    1. To attend as a squire. --Chaucer.

    2. To attend as a beau, or gallant, for aid and protection;
    as, to squire a lady. [Colloq.] --Goldsmith.

    Squire \Squire\ (skw[imac]r), n. [OF. esquierre, F. ['e]querre.
    See {Square}, n.]
    A square; a measure; a rule. [Obs.] ``With golden squire.''

    Squire \Squire\, n. [Aphetic form of esquire.]
    1. A shield-bearer or armor-bearer who attended a knight.

    2. A title of dignity next in degree below knight, and above
    gentleman. See {Esquire}. [Eng.] ``His privy knights and
    squires.'' --Chaucer.

    3. A male attendant on a great personage; also (Colloq.), a
    devoted attendant or follower of a lady; a beau.

    4. A title of office and courtesy. See under {Esquire}.

    1. Enter his squire and the Saracen princess Erminia, his fair captive who loves him but has not a chance because he is pining after her best friend, Clorinda.
    2. She was the only daughter of English nobleman Lawrence Petre, the squire of Coptfold Hall.
    3. Lazard Freres's so-called white squire fund got a sweet deal from Polaroid to fend off raids.
    4. It was not easy to dance in a cold, sticky stew of grapes, pips and husks, but the villagers were clearly enjoying it; nor did they seem much inhibited by the presence of the squire and his guests.
    5. The trainer, who looks like an English country squire in high accordion-pleated boots and a tweed jacket but with loops of rope hanging from his belt, gives his wrestler an encouraging rap on the nose.
    6. The idea behind these "white squire" investments is to give managers time to work out their plans without being harassed by so-called quick-buck artists.
    7. However, unless used purely as a delaying tactic, analysts have predicted a white squire defense could open Federated and its board to a torrent of lawsuits.
    8. It certainly seems to show an effete - or is he merely bookish? - squire confronted by an angry gamekeeper who waves a turnip under his nose.
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