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 spoofing [spuf添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 哄骗, 电子欺骗

[计] 电子欺骗, 假的

    1. Glatzer, a first-time filmmaker, does not seem quite sure whether he is spoofing soap emotionalism or subscribing to it.
    2. While liposuction has yet to be contemplated, the "40th Annual Prime Time Emmy Awards" are being produced this year by someone who has built a career out of spoofing the very medium the Emmys are intended to celebrate.
    3. "Flapjack Floozie" on Cinemax is a confusing hodge-podge of takeoffs, spoofing the obscure musical melodrama genre as well as the more contemporary spate of celebrity addiction confessions.
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