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 spiffy ['spifi]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 出色的, 显眼耀目的, 整洁的, 绝妙的

    spiffier, spiffiest
    [ adj ]
    marked by up-to-dateness in dress and manners
    a dapper young mana jaunty red hat

    1. Great art may perfectly well be a 'celebration of nonentities', or of tyrants, Joyce informs the Dada-ist poet Tzara (the spiffy David Westhead).
    2. One reporter complained that the spiffy graphics make the paper look like a fat man stuffed into a zoot suit.
    3. The Old Town's wine bars fill at noon with the young and spiffy.
    4. He'd better watch out or Lester Brown will run excerpts in the spiffy magazine that his World Watch has become since he got that MacArthur grant.
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