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 speechwriter   添加此单词到默认生词本

    [ noun ]
    a writer who composes speeches for others to deliver

    1. But they take heart from the fact that when Mr. Bush faced defeat in New Hampshire, he called on Peggy Noonan, a speechwriter who is popular among conservatives, for help.
    2. Chief presidential speechwriter Anthony R. Dolan thinks so.
    3. His vice chairman, Jack Albertine, the onetime lobbyist and Bentsen speechwriter, quietly resigned two weeks ago.
    4. Such a move won a ringing endorsement from Peggy Noonan, a former speechwriter for Reagan and Bush who wrote Bush's "read my lips: no new taxes" pledge.
    5. Kahn, a speechwriter for then-Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy and later for Sargent Shriver in the War on Poverty, devised the idea of service credits nine years ago while teaching law at the University of Miami.
    6. President Reagan, the chairman told his speechwriter, John Sherman, "talks in simple language that people understand.
    7. Mr Major has done well to announce that 'Little England steps out', but he needs more than a good speechwriter if he is to convince Britain's partners that it is not marching backwards.
    8. "It's very important for a Democratic candidate to remind people who does what for them," says adviser Robert Hunter, a foreign affairs specialist and a former Humphrey speechwriter.
    9. Now, the speechwriter finds himself in still another uncomfortable, and ironic, position.
    10. Peggy Noonan, a favorite speechwriter from the Reagan White House, has begun drafting Bush's convention acceptance speech.
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