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 spat [spæt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 蚝卵, 口角, 拍打

vi. 拍打, 争吵

    spatted, spatting
    [ noun ]
    1. a quarrel about petty points

    2. <noun.communication>
    3. a cloth covering (a legging) that covers the instep and ankles

    4. <noun.artifact>
    5. a young oyster or other bivalve

    6. <noun.animal>
    [ verb ]
    1. come down like raindrops

    2. <verb.weather>
      Bullets were spatting down on us
    3. become permanently attached

    4. <verb.contact>
      mollusks or oysters spat
    5. strike with a sound like that of falling rain

    6. <verb.contact>
      Bullets were spatting the leaves
    7. clap one's hands or shout after performances to indicate approval

    8. <verb.communication> acclaim applaud clap
    9. engage in a brief and petty quarrel

    10. <verb.communication>
    11. spawn

    12. <verb.body>
      oysters spat
    13. clap one's hands together

    14. <verb.body>
      The children were clapping to the music

    Spat \Spat\,
    imp. of {Spit}. [Obs. or R.]

    Spat \Spat\, n. [From the root of spit; hence, literally, that
    which is ejected.]
    A young oyster or other bivalve mollusk, both before and
    after it first becomes adherent, or such young, collectively.

    Spat \Spat\, v. i. & t.
    To emit spawn; to emit, as spawn.

    Spat \Spat\, n. [Cf. {Pat}.]
    1. A light blow with something flat. [U.S. & Prov. Eng.]

    2. Hence, a petty combat, esp. a verbal one; a little
    quarrel, dispute, or dissension. [U. S.]

    Spat \Spat\, v. i.
    To dispute. [R.] --Smart.

    Spat \Spat\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Spatted}; p. pr. & vb. n.
    To slap, as with the open hand; to clap together; as the
    hands. [Local, U.S.]

    Little Isabel leaped up and down, spatting her hands.

    Spat \Spat\, n. [Short for {Spatterdash}.]
    1. A legging; a gaiter. [Scot. & Dial. Eng.]
    [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

    2. A kind of short cloth or leather gaiter worn over the
    upper part of the shoe and fastened beneath the instep; --
    chiefly in pl.
    [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

    Spit \Spit\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Spit} ({Spat}, archaic); p.
    pr. & vb. n. {Spitting}.] [AS. spittan; akin to G.
    sp["u]tzen, Dan. spytte, Sw. spotta,Icel. sp?ta, and prob. E.
    spew. The past tense spat is due to AS. sp?tte, from sp?tan
    to spit. Cf. {Spat}, n., {Spew}, {Spawl}, {Spot}, n.]
    1. To eject from the mouth; to throw out, as saliva or other
    matter, from the mouth. ``Thus spit I out my venom.''

    2. To eject; to throw out; to belch.

    Note: Spitted was sometimes used as the preterit and the past
    participle. ``He . . . shall be mocked, and spitefully
    entreated, and spitted on.'' --Luke xviii. 32.

    1. After yet another spat at a meeting on May 29, the president reproved Mr. Ongpin, but not Mrs. Monsod.
    2. In the anti-Korean boycott, blacks led by self-proclaimed "anti-white" activist Sonny Carson berated and spat on those who tried to shop at the stores, whose business has plummeted.
    3. She also noted that the spat over agriculture pits the European Community against practically all the world's other food-exporting nations.
    4. They stepped up their effort through a series of press leaks aimed at drawing Mr. Regan into a spat with the Reagan family.
    5. His department will catch oyster spat until there are no more.
    6. He has been shot at, spat at and reviled even by some feminists. But he will not be deterred.
    7. The group's spat with the supervisory authorities is, however, a reminder that it sails closer to the wind where local capital requirements are concerned than the other two large banks.
    8. Despite a spat last year over the succession at Seagram Co., Edgar and Charles Bronfman have joined their efforts to maintain the Bronfman family's 38.3% stake in the distiller.
    9. "Killers," he spat out as he chopped the duck and listened with two other men to a Chinese-language radio broadcast on the weekend massacre in Beijing.
    10. Recently, Mr. Fujimori had a public spat with his top adviser, Hernando de Soto, whose contacts in Washington are viewed here as essential in helping Peru sort out its mess.
    11. Part of the spat stems from his wish to improve Thailand's relations with its neighbors, by replacing hostilities with trade.
    12. U.S.-Japan spat over renewal of NTT agreement.
    13. The compromise is particularly aimed at satisfying the company that sparked the spat: International Business Machines Corp. of Armonk, N.Y.
    14. ITV is now using drama like extruded plastic building blocks: 55-minute series about firemen, soldiers, doctors and policemen are being spat out for the 9 o'clock slot as though by automata and used to build the ratings edifice.
    15. "The Soviets have not been spat on and despised, but in many cases their parents still think they were in Afghanistan planting trees." The Soviets have no equivalent of our Veterans Administration, Brandoff said.
    16. The company's 'Intel inside' campaign has already resulted in a public spat with Compaq, which does not wish to accelerate the change to Pentium-based personal computers while its warehouses are full of 486 models.
    17. Charles Jones and Thelma Colvin dated as teen-agers in the 1920s, but a spat at a street party in Springfield ended their romance - temporarily.
    18. In Tel Aviv, bystanders spat on people who marched June 4 to dramatize support for trading the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip for peace with the Arabs.
    19. Manuel Antonio Noriega is a highly unusual public spat between two influential former officials over who is to blame for the Panama policy failure.
    20. One West German was arrested after he shouted Nazi slogans and spat at reporters.
    21. "We arrested over 100, and among them were those who spat at us at the television station yesterday, as well as the one who imitates (deposed and executed dictator Nicolae) Ceausescu's voice," said a police officers with a blood-stained shirt sleeve.
    22. McMaster maintains he wants complete control over the contents of the Festivals. The spat this summer could be put down to inexperience.
    23. He spat on the ground to express his contempt for the Afghan government, communism and the Soviet Union.
    24. Vice President Bush may have produced the best "attack video" of all time with his nine-minute spat with Dan Rather, but some of the other candidates are doing just fine in 30 seconds.
    25. "It was real affront to his running mate Mr. Dukakis," Conte said of Bentsen's move. "He spat at him.
    26. Two days later, choosing resignation rather than defeat, Mrs. Thatcher spat defiance at old foes in a bravura encore in the House of Commons, while Ingham sat forlornly in the gallery, head in hands.
    27. This man is dead." _ Keith Summa, advocate for the homeless, on the beating death of a vagrant who taunted, spat at and punched a man who was standing on a subway platform with his 3-year-old son.
    28. And in Louisville, an important market for Humana as well as its headquarters city, doctors threatening a spat dissuaded Humana from opening any MedFirst offices at all.
    29. A Eurotunnel rights issue, planned for mid-May, is now expected to raise between Pounds 600m and Pounds 750m. The agreement was marked by a spat between Eurotunnel, its financial advisers and Swiss Bank Corporation.
    30. One of the activists, Noam Federman, spat in Husseini's face as the Palestinian activist was ordered detained Jan. 19.
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