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 spanking ['spæŋkɪŋ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 清爽的, 疾行的, 强烈的

ad. 显著地

n. 拍击, 打屁股

    [ noun ]
    1. the act of slapping on the buttocks

    2. <noun.act>
      he gave the brat a good spanking
    [ adj ]
    1. quick and energetic

    2. <adj.all>
      a brisk walk in the park
      a lively gait
      a merry chase
      traveling at a rattling rate
      a snappy pace
      a spanking breeze

    Spank \Spank\ (sp[a^][ng]k), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Spanked}
    (sp[a^][ng]kt); p. pr. & vb. n. {Spanking}.] [Of unknown
    origin; cf. LG. spakken, spenkern, to run and spring about
    To strike, as the breech, with the open hand; to slap.

    spanking \spank"ing\, a.
    1. Moving with a quick, lively pace, or capable of so doing;

    Four spanking grays ready harnessed. --G. Colman,
    the Younger.

    2. Large; considerable. [Colloq.]

    3. Very; extremely; -- used especially in the phrase spanking
    new or brand spanking new, meaning completely new and
    unused. [informal]

    1. Is spanking typically an act of erotic sado-masochism?
    2. Giving out punishment to kids today Can make modern parents nervous, For instead of spanking or early bedtime, Current tots want community service.
    3. "He smacked me around," Sophia said. "It's the first spanking I ever got. And whoa!
    4. A judge ruled that a fundamentalist couple who took to heart the Biblical admonition against sparing the rod abused their children by spanking them with a stick and paddle, a family supporter said today.
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