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 soutane [su'tɑn]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. (神父的)法衣, (修士以往所穿的)黑色长袍

    [ noun ]
    a long cassock with buttons down the front; worn by Roman Catholic priests

    Soutane \Sou`tane"\, n. [F., fr. Sp. sotana, or It. sottana, LL.
    subtana, fr. L. subtus below, beneath, fr. sub under.] (Eccl.
    A close garnment with straight sleeves, and skirts reaching
    to the ankles, and buttoned in front from top to bottom;
    especially, the black garment of this shape worn by the
    clergy in France and Italy as their daily dress; a cassock.

    1. Stephen Brennan in the title role is a creepy figure in a badly-hemmed black soutane, his waist encircled by a monster wooden rosary, a whiff of Rasputin about him.
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