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 sounding lead 添加此单词到默认生词本

    sounding lead
    [ noun ]
    a metal bob at the end of a sounding line

    Sounding \Sound"ing\, n.
    1. The act of one who, or that which, sounds (in any of the
    senses of the several verbs).

    2. (Naut.) [From {Sound} to fathom.]
    (a) measurement by sounding; also, the depth so
    (b) Any place or part of the ocean, or other water, where
    a sounding line will reach the bottom; -- usually in
    the plural.
    (c) The sand, shells, or the like, that are brought up by
    the sounding lead when it has touched bottom.

    {Sounding lead}, the plummet at the end of a sounding line.

    {Sounding line}, a line having a plummet at the end, used in
    making soundings.

    {Sounding post} (Mus.), a small post in a violin,
    violoncello, or similar instrument, set under the bridge
    as a support, for propagating the sounds to the body of
    the instrument; -- called also {sound post}.

    {Sounding rod} (Naut.), a rod used to ascertain the depth of
    water in a ship's hold.

    {In soundings}, within the eighty-fathom line. --Ham. Nav.

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