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 sombre   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 昏暗的, 阴沉的, 阴暗的, 忧郁的, 暗淡的, 浅黑的

    [ adj ]
    1. lacking brightness or color; dull

    2. <adj.all>
      drab faded curtains
      sober Puritan grey
      children in somber brown clothes
    3. grave or even gloomy in character

    4. <adj.all>
      solemn and mournful music
      a suit of somber black
      a somber mood

    Somber \Som"ber\, Sombre \Som"bre\(?; 277), a. [F. sombre; cf.
    Sp. sombra, shade, prob. from LL. subumbrare to put in the
    shade; L. sub under + umbra shade. See {Umbrage}.]
    1. Dull; dusky; somewhat dark; gloomy; as, a somber forest; a
    somber house.

    2. Melancholy; sad; grave; depressing; as, a somber person;
    somber reflections.

    The dinner was silent and somber; happily it was
    also short. --Beaconsfield.

    Somber \Som"ber\, Sombre \Som"bre\, v. t.
    To make somber, or dark; to make shady. [R.]

    Somber \Som"ber\, Sombre \Som"bre\, n.
    Gloom; obscurity; duskiness; somberness. [Obs.]

    1. Spreading the sombre message that Canadians should expect less, rather than more, from their governments would have been a sure way to lose votes in years gone by.
    2. For some, the sombre hotel, all red leather upholstery and restrained colours, exudes the atmosphere of a London club, and typifies Genoa's Anglo-Saxon leanings.
    3. The outlook for eastern Europe remains sombre. The ECE says almost no quantitative information is available for Russia 'due to the complete breakdown of the state information system'.
    4. Younger generations seem hardly more cheerful - in browns and greys and olive drabs, in khaki pith helmets and worn-out military surplus wear they go their sombre way.
    5. High evening wear for winter festivities will indeed be rich with beading and the multiple textures of velvet, chiffon and lace, but it will all be black - or the most sombre of medieval shades.
    6. The mood is sombre, almost funereal. On the outskirts of the village, other peasants look, with a sense of immense frustration, at the bare 21-acre holding that should have yielded Mr Ahmed a valuable cotton crop.
    7. Turnage's piece begins with sombre, 'submerged' chords and a slow lament (saxophones are prominent, as usual with this composer).
    8. Yet another fine exhibit from this large company encouraged me to follow up Hucherella Charles Bloom because its darkish leaves are not too sombre and its haze of peach-pink flowers looked exquisite.
    9. It is unusual to see anyone under 30 in a traditional cafe-tabac unless they are with older workmates. Young Parisians go to sombre bars in Pigalle and Bastille, where they play chess and read poetry.
    10. The habitual black clothes were almost an afterthought: Orbison's wife says unimaginatively 'You look great in black, Roy.' Orbison's sombre life bears an exact relation to the songs.
    11. This year, however, the room was a haven of sombre sobriety.
    12. Get here quick.' FRIVOLITY, for the first time in months, if not years, peeps shyly from the sombre pages of leading European papers.
    13. The favourite to replace Mr Reynolds under those circumstances would be Mr Bertie Ahern, the finance minister. Dublin was in a sombre mood yesterday after Mr Reynolds had struggled to save his political career.
    14. Geronte's mansion was barren, and the Le Havre harbour also seemed unnecessarily sombre.
    15. The scene builds patiently to a spacious and dignified choral prayer, its sombre mood well sustained in Stephen Medcalf's production. There is another advantage in Donizetti's design, too.
    16. But at least, according to one political analyst, 'he has learnt how to smile.' A sombre, rather taciturn businessman, Mr Frei is consistently the country's most popular politician in the opinion polls behind President Patricio Aylwin.
    17. Anyone who regrets the modern cleaning of the 'Transfiguration' can compare it with the sombre hues faithfully rendered in the 1820s by one Grigor Urquhart of Inverness. Inevitably, the exhibition conjures up the spectre of absence.
    18. However, the society predicted that lending for the year would be down on 1992. Mr Andrew Longhurst, chief executive, said it was 'a solid performance in a sombre market'.
    19. Two figures dressed like pest controllers in black PVC intone the sombre opening words of Therese Raquin.
    20. A group of three rarely-heard Shostakovich songs gave us sombre Russian gravity in between. There was a greater rarity to come, however.
    21. The family is full of good shrubs, but many of them have flowers which are too sombre to show up well among the leaves.
    22. Restless as ever, and with the insistent pulse of Jones replaced by the spreading rhthym of Haynes, 'One Up One Down' sees Coltrane painting his sheets of sound, 'After the Rain' suspending the rhythm to sombre and atmospheric effect.
    23. The handover will come while many of the challenges facing Fiat, founded 93 years ago by Mr Agnelli's grandfather, remain unresolved. Today's letter will make sombre reading.
    24. He was evidently serious-minded, his pictures tending towards the sombre, well thought-out and thoroughly accomplished.
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