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 solute ['sɒlju:t]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 溶解物, 溶质

[化] 溶质

[医] 溶质

    [ noun ]
    the dissolved matter in a solution; the component of a solution that changes its state

    Solute \So*lute"\, a. [L. solutus, p. p. of solvere to loosen.
    See {Solve}.]
    1. Loose; free; liberal; as, a solute interpretation. [Obs.]

    2. Relaxed; hence; merry; cheerful. [R.]

    A brow solute, and ever-laughing eye. --Young.

    3. Soluble; as, a solute salt. [Obs.]

    4. (Bot.) Not adhering; loose; -- opposed to {adnate}; as, a
    solute stipule.

    Solute \So*lute"\, v. t.
    1. To dissolve; to resolve. [Obs.]

    2. To absolve; as, to solute sin. [Obs.] --Bale.

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