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 snug [snʌg]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 舒适的, 温暖的, 整洁的, 紧身的, 隐藏的

vt. 使整洁干净, 使紧身, 隐藏

    snugged, snugger, snuggest, snugging
    [ noun ]
    1. a small secluded room

    2. <noun.artifact>
    [ adj ]
    1. offering safety; well protected or concealed

    2. <adj.all>
      a snug harbor
      a snug hideout
    3. fitting closely but comfortably

    4. <adj.all>
      a close fit
    5. well and tightly constructed

    6. <adj.all>
      a snug house
      a snug little sailboat
    7. enjoying or affording comforting warmth and shelter especially in a small space

    8. <adj.all>
      a cozy nook near the fire
      snug in bed
      a snug little apartment

    Snug \Snug\, a. [Compar. {Snugger}; superl. {Snuggest}.] [Prov.
    E. snug tight, handsome; cf. Icel. sn["o]ggr smooth, ODan.
    sn["o]g neat, Sw. snugg.]
    1. Close and warm; as, an infant lies snug.

    2. Close; concealed; not exposed to notice.

    Lie snug, and hear what critics say. --Swift.

    3. Compact, convenient, and comfortable; as, a snug farm,
    house, or property.

    Snug \Snug\, n. (Mach.)
    Same as {Lug}, n., 3.

    Snug \Snug\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Snugged}; p. pr. & vb. n.
    To lie close; to snuggle; to snudge; -- often with up, or
    together; as, a child snugs up to its mother.

    Snug \Snug\, v. t.
    1. To place snugly. [R.] --Goldsmith.

    2. To rub, as twine or rope, so as to make it smooth and
    improve the finish.

    1. Spider silk appears not to provoke an immune-system reaction from the body, and it contracts when moist, which could keep stitches snug during the healing process.
    2. "That's how snug this competition is getting."
    3. But the tenor easily dispatched his high-flying music while looking tall and trim in the snug breeches designed for him by the show's costumer, Giovanna Buzzi.
    4. One strapless, green and yellow cotton dress by Mary Jane Marcasiano was too snug and short for anything but mincing steps.
    5. "I could have retired at the age of 28 and had a very comfortable life," says Mr. Mallya in his snug Surrey study. "But I had this burning desire to prove myself.
    6. The Fed has already made three small moves to snug the credit lines in the last three months, and Ellis said his firm predicts the central bank may have to act again before the end of the year.
    7. This, the agency says, includes gloves and safety shoes, eye goggles and relatively snug clothing so loose ends don't catch on branches or the saw.
    8. Legs are either bared by super-short hemlines and snug shorts, or wrapped in skin-tight unitards.
    9. Clinging to the southern flank of the Mount McKinley massif is a snug shelter of glass and wood, a place with an indoor view of one of the world's most astounding outdoor scenes.
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