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 small capital 添加此单词到默认生词本
小大写字母, 小体大写字母

    small capital
    [ noun ]
    a character having the form of an upper-case letter but the same height as lower-case letters

    capital \cap"i*tal\ (k[a^]p"[i^]*tal), n. [Cf. L. capitellum and
    capitulum, a small head, the head, top, or capital of a
    column, dim. of caput head; F. chapiteau, OF. capitel. See
    {chief}, and cf. {cattle}, {chattel}, {chapiter}, {chapter}.]
    1. (Arch.) The head or uppermost member of a column,
    pilaster, etc. It consists generally of three parts,
    abacus, bell (or vase), and necking. See these terms, and

    2. [Cf. F. capilate, fem., sc. ville.] (Geog.) The seat of
    government; the chief city or town in a country; a
    metropolis. ``A busy and splendid capital'' --Macauly.

    3. [Cf. F. capital.] Money, property, or stock employed in
    trade, manufactures, etc.; the sum invested or lent, as
    distinguished from the income or interest. See {Capital
    stock}, under {Capital}, a.

    4. (Polit. Econ.) That portion of the produce of industry,
    which may be directly employed either to support human
    beings or to assist in production. --M'Culloch.

    Note: When wealth is used to assist production it is called
    capital. The capital of a civilized community includes
    {fixed capital} (i.e. buildings, machines, and roads
    used in the course of production and exchange) and
    {circulating capital} (i.e., food, fuel, money, etc.,
    spent in the course of production and exchange). --T.

    5. Anything which can be used to increase one's power or

    He tried to make capital out of his rival's
    discomfiture. --London

    6. (Fort.) An imaginary line dividing a bastion, ravelin, or
    other work, into two equal parts.

    7. A chapter, or section, of a book. [Obs.]

    Holy St. Bernard hath said in the 59th capital.
    --Sir W.

    8. (Print.) See {Capital letter}, under {Capital}, a.

    {Active capital}. See under {Active},

    {Small capital} (Print.), a small capital letter; informally
    referred to (in the plural) as {small caps}; as, the
    technical terms are listed in {small caps}. See under
    {Capital}, a.

    {To live on one's capital}, to consume one's capital without
    producing or accumulating anything to replace it.

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