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 slingshot ['sliŋʃɒt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 弹弓

    [ noun ]
    a plaything consisting of a Y-shaped stick with elastic between the arms; used to propel small stones

    1. Discovery has until Oct. 23 to lift off with Ulysses because of the alignment of Earth, the sun and Jupiter, whose gravitational field will slingshot the satellite back to the sun.
    2. The Galileo spacecraft makes a rendezvous with Earth on Saturday, using the planet's gravity like a slingshot to hurl it along on its six-year journey to the solar system's largest planet, Jupiter.
    3. At the University of Iowa, the right-wing Campus Review recently published a drawing of Bart warning off homosexuals while holding a loaded slingshot.
    4. The party's staff and volunteers do not care. In a political tale of David versus two Goliaths, the third party's slingshot has forced Labour and the Tories to wobble.
    5. The space probe's journey to Jupiter will be a complicated one, involving one slingshot orbit of Venus and two of Earth to gain momentum.
    6. To gain energy for the trip, Galileo will use the gravity of Venus and Earth in a slingshot effect.
    7. A frequently seen poster depicts a masked man releasing his slingshot from behind a low barrier with the painted slogan, parar la tirania ahora.
    8. The powerful gravity pull of that giant planet will act like a slingshot, accelerating the probe to an even higher speed and sending it streaking back toward the sun.
    9. NASA wants to launch the Discovery Oct. 5. The space agency has until Oct. 23 to get the shuttle off the ground during the correct alignment of Earth, the sun and Jupiter, whose gravitational field will slingshot Ulysses back to the sun.
    10. During a morning's fishing at the lake that sits in Matt's backyard, Thill demonstrated a variety of European tricks, including using a specially made slingshot to send a wad of maggots to where a float and hook were being cast 100 feet from shore.
    11. Give him credit for a big crowd-pleaser _ having Bruce Willis ejected out of an airplane like a rock from a slingshot.
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