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 slide projector 添加此单词到默认生词本

    slide projector
    [ noun ]
    projector that projects an enlarged image of a slide onto a screen

    Projector \Pro*ject"or\, n. [Cf. F. projeteur.]
    1. One who projects a scheme or design; hence, one who forms
    fanciful or chimerical schemes. --L'Estrange.

    2. an optical instrument which projects an image from a
    transparency or an opaque image onto a projection screen
    or other surface, using an intense light and one or more
    lenses to focus the image. The term projector by itself is
    usually used for projection of transparent images by
    passing the light beam through the image; a projector
    which projects an image of an opaque object is now
    ususally referred to as an {overhead projector}. In
    projection of this latter form the projection is
    accomplished by means of a combination of lenses with a
    prism and a mirror or reflector. Specific instruments have
    been called by different names, such as {balopticon},
    {radiopticon}, {radiopticon}, {mirrorscope}, etc.
    [Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC]

    {Slide projector} a projector for displaying images from
    individual transparencies (slides), each mounted in a
    separate frame suited to the mechanics of the projector.

    {movie projector} a projector which displays a series of
    images from a roll of transparent film in rapid sucession,
    thus giving the impression of showing a scene with motion
    as it originally was recorded.

    {overhead projector} see {projector[2]}, above. -->

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