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 slabs 添加此单词到默认生词本
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    1. The method eliminates the time- and energy-consuming steps of cooling the slabs to room temperature to be inspected, cleaned of surface defects and reheated.
    2. And when the slabs are pointed properly, there will be no need to argue about spraying and applying weed-killer while Veronica is out shopping at the local freezer centre. Freezer shopping, in fact, has taken a different role in the Sloane-Walley year.
    3. Whole tuna lay on marble slabs being cut into steaks by brigands with scimitars, which they slid along the fish until the buyer said 'cut'. Tuna are handsome, fish-shaped fish, their reputation much harmed by tins. Espada are not.
    4. On the solstice, the longest day of the year, the light would shine on a spiral-shaped petroglyph etched on rock behind the slabs.
    5. The units are difficult and costly to move because they were laid on concrete slabs with no basements or floor joists to hold them together, he said.
    6. I woke to find huge slabs of plaster on the bed and floor." From the wrecked, smoke-clouded barracks, "I could hear terrified screams of agony.
    7. LIVESTOCK & MEATS: The price of pork bellies for August delivery soared the daily limit of two cents a pound amid news that the supply of pork bellies, or uncured slabs of bacon, in frozen storage continued to shrink.
    8. Cattle futures were mixed as traders waited to see if consumer demand would match the record purchases of boxed beef, or frozen slabs of meat ready for shipping to retailers, made last week, analysts said.
    9. Some examples from his brochure: slabs of one to three pounds bearing such messages as, "Tomorrow's Technology Taking Control" for Textron and "We Wouldn't Go Anywhere Without You" for TWA.
    10. In those days, slaves still mined salt to be transported in giant slabs lashed two to a camel.
    11. According to the union, though, the company within a day posted instructions to other workers who loaded the slabs on how to inspect the steel.
    12. In areas where the freeway made giant concrete sandwiches of itself lie cars that police say have been flattened into foot-thick slabs.
    13. After Tuesday's close, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange reported that about four million pounds of pork bellies, or uncured slabs of bacon, were placed in out-of-town warehouses last week.
    14. The slabs are leftover supports from construction of the trans-Alaska oil pipeline, fitted so they can be carried by helicopters.
    15. In most of China, 42 years of communism has reduced an elegant architectural tradition to the art of arranging concrete slabs into barracks-like buildings.
    16. Using 38-foot-long, 9-foot-high slabs of concrete that cost him $186 each, he built a model three-bedroom, 1,064-square-foot ranch house.
    17. Above 8,000ft bare rock is usually broken into slabs and chunks by freezing and thawing and other weathering. The first peak I scaled was Shirouma, the white horse mountain.
    18. An old cabdriver takes me away to the modestly named World Congress Center (WCC), which looks like a truck dropped a whole mess of structural beams and concrete slabs on a parking lot late one night and let them fend for themselves.
    19. Luis Carlos Trevino Berchelman, assistant attorney general in this northern Nuevo Leon state capital, said rescue crews found the woman's body Wednesday but couldn't retrieve it because it was under heavy concrete slabs.
    20. The sheathing slabs are starting to curl or "bow" after 15 years in place, said Pierce.
    21. His work has since been interrupted by sporadic gunfire, but Graham thinks a worse crime is cutting up these stupendous slabs into slices a mule can carry across the border into Belize for illicit export to eager buyers.
    22. He said three teams of dogs brought in to sniff through the rubble all pinpointed the same area where the victims may be trapped but that concrete slabs prevented rescue workers from searching there.
    23. They open the sliding cell doors _ slabs of steel perforated with small holes _ by remote control pneumatics, and they use loudspeakers to direct the inmates in and out.
    24. Bids for landfill disposal of the slabs went as high as $3 million.
    25. Hundreds of shoppers scrambled for the exits as the roof of the 100,000-square-foot Save-On-Foods store gave way Saturday, dropping concrete slabs and 22 cars into the supermarket.
    26. A few years ago it might have made sense for U.S. steel companies to import semifinished slabs.
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