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 singular proposition 添加此单词到默认生词本
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    Singular \Sin"gu*lar\ (s[i^][ng]"g[-u]*l[~e]r), a. [OE.
    singuler, F. singulier, fr. L. singularius, singularis, fr.
    singulus single. See {Single}, a.]
    1. Separate or apart from others; single; distinct. [Obs.]

    And God forbid that all a company
    Should rue a singular man's folly. --Chaucer.

    2. Engaged in by only one on a side; single. [Obs.]

    To try the matter thus together in a singular
    combat. --Holinshed.

    3. (Logic) Existing by itself; single; individual.

    The idea which represents one . . . determinate
    thing, is called a singular idea, whether simple,
    complex, or compound. --I. Watts.

    4. (Law) Each; individual; as, to convey several parcels of
    land, all and singular.

    5. (Gram.) Denoting one person or thing; as, the singular
    number; -- opposed to {dual} and {plural}.

    6. Standing by itself; out of the ordinary course; unusual;
    uncommon; strange; as, a singular phenomenon.

    So singular a sadness
    Must have a cause as strange as the effect.

    7. Distinguished as existing in a very high degree; rarely
    equaled; eminent; extraordinary; exceptional; as, a man of
    singular gravity or attainments.

    8. Departing from general usage or expectations; odd;
    whimsical; -- often implying disapproval or censure.

    His zeal
    None seconded, as out of season judged,
    Or singular and rash. --Milton.

    To be singular in anything that is wise and worthy,
    is not a disparagement, but a praise. --Tillotson.

    9. Being alone; belonging to, or being, that of which there
    is but one; unique.

    These busts of the emperors and empresses are all
    very scarce, and some of them almost singular in
    their kind. --Addison.

    {Singular point in a curve} (Math.), a point at which the
    curve possesses some peculiar properties not possessed by
    other points of the curve, as a cusp point, or a multiple

    {Singular proposition} (Logic), a proposition having as its
    subject a singular term, or a common term limited to an
    individual by means of a singular sign. --Whately.

    {Singular succession} (Civil Law), division among individual
    successors, as distinguished from universal succession, by
    which an estate descended in intestacy to the heirs in

    {Singular term} (Logic), a term which represents or stands
    for a single individual.

    Syn: Unexampled; unprecedented; eminent; extraordinary;
    remarkable; uncommon; rare; unusual; peculiar; strange;
    odd; eccentric; fantastic.

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