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 silky ['silki]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 丝的, 柔滑的

    silkier, silkiest
    [ adj ]
    having a smooth, gleaming surface reflecting light
    glossy auburn hairsatiny gardenia petals
    sleek black fur
    silken eyelashes
    silky skin
    a silklike fabric
    slick seals and otters

    Silky \Silk"y\, a. [Compar. {Silkier}; superl. {Silkiest}.]
    1. Of or pertaining to silk; made of, or resembling, silk;
    silken; silklike; as, a silky luster.

    2. Hence, soft and smooth; as, silky wine.

    3. Covered with soft hairs pressed close to the surface, as a
    leaf; sericeous.

    {Silky oak} (Bot.), a lofty Australian tree ({Grevillea
    robusta}) with silky tomentose lobed or incised leaves. It
    furnishes a valuable timber.

    1. And just watch how fast people move if they walk into a silky spider web in the dark.
    2. One of the real originals in the collection was a brown velveteen dress shirred around the scoop neckline and at the waist, worn with a silky high-necked green shirt underneath.
    3. The way-out wonder boy of French fashion, Gaultier said he liked the details like a shirred mini-dress in soft fabrics worn over a silky turtleneck undershirt.
    4. Some of the best of this slim-leg look topped by flowing jackets or cape effects came out in silky jersey fabrics in colors ranging from subtle linden green or beige to salmon.
    5. One would be unwise to pursue a silky image when one's National Cricket Association has an AGM called the Dansk Cricket Forbunds Repraesentantskabsmodet.
    6. I suspect England are awaiting the arrival of the New Zealand referee Colin Hawke with anticipation. But poor refereeing does not explain why England have been so lacklustre. Without the silky Jeremy Guscott, the backline appears wooden.
    7. " Erik Winkowski, who has his mother's Scandinavian cheekbones and straight, silky hair, turned 7 in June.
    8. Stretching his arms in his silky white shirt and squeaking his black shoes, he lectures a visitor about the way to sell American real estate and boasts about his friendship with Margaret Thatcher's son.
    9. However they have all agreed to promote one item _ the fringe. Usually long and silky it appears on shawls and scarves, as well as decoration on any type of clothing.
    10. The 24v I drove last week was a swift although silky performer: quiet on the motorway, flexible in traffic, eagerly responsive when required.
    11. Ms. Moore wears silky pants and a flowing jacket.
    12. At the height of the purges, in fact, the paper's movie ads were illustrated with drawings of women in silky gowns, decadent even by today's standards.
    13. He is in a suit, minus jacket, and she is wearing billowing pants and a silky jacket.
    14. Texture of the meat is very silky." There's a catch, though. "It's twice the price of beef," Helland said.
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