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 silicate ['silikit]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 硅酸盐

[化] 硅酸盐; 硅酸酯

[医] 硅酸盐

    [ noun ]
    a salt or ester derived from silicic acid

    Silicate \Sil"i*cate\, n.[Cf. F. silicate.] (Chem.)
    A salt of silicic acid.

    Note: In mineralogical chemistry the silicates include; the
    unisilicates or orthosilicates, salts of orthosilicic
    acid; the bisilicates or metasilicates, salts of
    metasilicic acid; the polysilicates or acid silicates,
    salts of the polysilicic acids; the basic silicates or
    subsilicates, in which the equivalent of base is
    greater than would be required to neutralize the acid;
    and the hydrous silicates, including the zeolites and
    many hydrated decomposition products.

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