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 separable ['sepәrәbl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 可分离的, 可分的

[经] 可分开的

    [ adj ]
    capable of being divided or dissociated
    often drugs and crime are not dissociablethe siamese twins were not considered separable
    a song...never conceived of as severable from the melody

    Separable \Sep"a*ra*ble\, a. [L. separabilis: cf. F.
    Capable of being separated, disjoined, disunited, or divided;
    as, the separable parts of plants; qualities not separable
    from the substance in which they exist. --
    {Sep"a*ra*ble*ness}, n. -- {Sep"a*ra*bly}, adv.

    Trials permit me not to doubt of the separableness of a
    yellow tincture from gold. --Boyle.

    1. United Cable shareholders would be eligible to convert each of their shares into either $35 in cash or a share of stock in the new company and the separable right to sell a share of the new company's stock under special terms.
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