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 sensationalist   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 爱采用耸人听闻手法的人, 感觉论者

    [ noun ]
    someone who uses exaggerated or lurid material in order to gain public attention

    Sensationalist \Sen*sa"tion*al*ist\, n.
    1. (Metaph.) An advocate of, or believer in, philosophical

    2. One who practices sensational writing or speaking.

    1. In look and focus, the Daily News is more like the feisty and sensationalist Post than New York Newsday, launched five years ago by Times Mirror Co.'s Long Island-based Newsday.
    2. In the slow fan ritual dance that follows, gender really isn't the point; beauty is. The scenes that follow, much more obviously sensationalist, are far less interesting.
    3. In addition to sensationalist stories, Murdoch added daily photos of bare-breasted women.
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