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 segregation [,segri'geiʃәn]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 隔离, 偏析, 被隔离的部分, 种族隔离

[化] 分离; 分凝; 离析; 偏析; 分聚

[医] 分离, 分凝; 分隔, 隔离, 分居

[经] 分门别类

    [ noun ]
    1. (genetics) the separation of paired alleles during meiosis so that members of each pair of alleles appear in different gametes

    2. <noun.process>
    3. a social system that provides separate facilities for minority groups

    4. <noun.group>
    5. the act of segregating or sequestering

    6. <noun.act>
      sequestration of the jury

    Segregation \Seg`re*ga"tion\, n. [L. segregatio: cf. F.
    1. The act of segregating, or the state of being segregated;
    separation from others; a parting.

    2. (Geol.) Separation from a mass, and gathering about
    centers or into cavities at hand through cohesive
    attraction or the crystallizing process.

    1. Mandela said the white towns in eastern Transvaal province, where he spoke, were deeply racist and should immediately end segregation of recreational areas and other public facilities.
    2. Thousands of blacks who normally spend their end-of-the-month paychecks shopping on Saturdays stayed away from downtown Boksburg, the first Conservative-controlled town to reimpose segregation of parks, the town hall, and public toilets.
    3. He has called for ending the apartheid system of racial segregation and for holding talks on allowing the black majority an equal political role with whites.
    4. "I hope by going to the South he will see what's happened in a region where there was discrimination, segregation," Lewis said. "He will be in a region of the country that was a lot like South Africa just a few years ago.
    5. Under the apartheid system of racial segregation, the country's 28 million blacks have no voice in national affairs while the whites control the government and the economy.
    6. But he has not made an official state visit to neighboring Botswana, Mozambique or Zimbabwe, three of the so-called front-line states that vehemently oppose South Africa's apartheid policies of racial segregation.
    7. De Klerk has initiated a series of reforms of South Africa's system of racial segregation since assuming power in August.
    8. Hale, who says he supports race segregation, said he planned to hold another meeting later this month.
    9. The 19 prisoners were placed in segregation units after the uprising ended this morning, prison spokesman Robey Eldridge said. No one was injured, he said.
    10. The men escaped from segregation cells, where they were kept because of disciplinary problems, he said.
    11. They lost nearly a quarter of their seats to an anti-apartheid party and to a far-right group that favors strict racial segregation.
    12. Namibia abandoned most of its segregation laws in the late 1970's and early 1980's, and the racial climate is more relaxed than in neighboring South Africa.
    13. Wright, who participated in the Pentagon Papers case and wrote the decree ending de facto segregation in the nation's capital, died Saturday of cancer.
    14. Bush, while reluctant to support additional sanctions, has endorsed a more active U.S. role in bringing about negotiations to end the apartheid system of segregation and grant political rights to blacks.
    15. Foreign ministers of the 12 Western European nations announced they would end their sanctions on imports of iron, steel and gold coins as a reward for the Pretoria government's efforts to abolish the apartheid system of racial segregation.
    16. South Africans are barred from the Olympics and most international track competitions because of the government's apartheid policies of racial segregation.
    17. The flight of jobs and whites to the suburbs has, for example, led to continued segregation in the schools.
    18. For many years, Anglo and other South African corporations went beyond the usual realm of business, challenging the government to scrap racial segregation and white minority rule in favor of power sharing with the black majority.
    19. "To the extent that networks are closed along gender lines, they reinforce occupational segregation based on sex," says Prof.
    20. We gave women the right to vote and educated them 85 years ago and we ended segregation 25 years ago," he said.
    21. The adjustable bridges to the doors of the aircraft that will use branch off the arms. Each arm has two floors, a lower one for arriving passengers, the upper for those departing, so there is complete segregation.
    22. No South African leader has visited the United States since the apartheid system of racial segregation was formally implemented in the late 1940s, officials said.
    23. The school was built to accommodate 630 students, and now has 203. It is in the heart of the country's largest "gray area," where thousands of black and Indian families have moved in defiance of residential segregation laws.
    24. You'll have two or three." Secretary of Education Lauro F. Cavazos praised parental choice Sunday as the "cornerstone" to rebuilding America's schools, but said some restrictions on student transfers may be necessary to prevent segregation.
    25. Ralph Abernathy and Fred Shuttlesworth to expand the non-violent movement against legal segregation.
    26. He reviewed the history of the civil rights movement, including the removal of government-sanctioned racial segregation.
    27. Since his inauguration, de Klerk has promoted reforms to end the apartheid system of racial segregation and has opened talks with the African National Congress on sharing power with the black majority.
    28. "The self-governing states as they exist today are apartheid" structures, he said, referring to the government's policy of racial segregation in which the 26.5 million blacks have no voice in national affairs.
    29. "We need to find solutions to those problems which we recognize, as everyone does, but we don't think the solution is returning to an era of widespread segregation," says Phil Gutis, a spokesman for the ACLU.
    30. The amended bill, however, would retain other provisions strengthening enforcement of residential segregation.
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