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 secant ['si:kәnt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 正割的

n. 割线, 正割

    [ noun ]
    1. a straight line that intersects a curve at two or more points

    2. <noun.shape>
    3. ratio of the hypotenuse to the adjacent side of a right-angled triangle

    4. <noun.linkdef>

    Secant \Se"cant\ (s[=e]"k[a^]nt), a. [L. secans, -antis, p. pr.
    of secare to cut. See {Section}.]
    Cutting; dividing into two parts; as, a secant line.

    Secant \Secant\, n. [Cf. F. s['e]cante. See {Secant}, a.]
    1. (Geom.) A line that cuts another; especially, a straight
    line cutting a curve in two or more points.

    2. (Trig.) A right line drawn from the center of a circle
    through one end of a circular arc, and terminated by a
    tangent drawn from the other end; the number expressing
    the ratio of this line to the radius of the circle. See
    {Trigonometrical function}, under {Function}.

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