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 seamstress ['si:mstris]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 女裁缝, 做针线活的妇女

    [ noun ]
    someone who makes or mends dresses

    Seamstress \Seam"stress\ (?; 277), n. [From older seamster,
    properly fem., AS. se['a]mestre. See {Seam}.]
    A woman whose occupation is sewing; a needlewoman.

    1. Her main support is a young woman who is equally plain _ an endearing seamstress with the improbable name of Popeye (Alfre Woodard), who taught herself to sew by making little outfits for her pet frogs as a child.
    2. That's because the piece-work seamstress loses production time. "You can't make money doing repairs," he says.
    3. A second-rate French seamstress had meanwhile hired and fired him, saying he would never succeed in art or fashion.
    4. Will Italians stick to their pure pasta or go for the new wave of noodle? "Sure I'd buy it, because it's cheaper," said Orsolina Petrini, a Roman seamstress.
    5. The year-long Montgomery bus boycott began after Rosa Parks, a black seamstress, refused to give up her seat on a segregated city bus.
    6. The family of Amy Dorrit, his mother's mousy seamstress, becomes the object of his philanthropic urge.
    7. More children age 4 to 6 think Mrs. Bush was the flag's seamstress than Betsy Ross, with 29 percent casting a vote for the president's wife and 15 percent going with the real McCoy.
    8. Mrs. Fitak, the toy inventor, is a retired seamstress with no spare cash and just one small comfort: If industry ignores her, television somehow doesn't.
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