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 seafood   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 海味, 海鲜, 鱼类

    [ noun ]
    edible fish (broadly including freshwater fish) or shellfish or roe etc

    1. It is, to quote Mr. Rourke: "Will they keep eating fresh seafood or switch because it's too expensive?
    2. Self-warnings about the state of Mediterranean seafood are suspended as the fishy fragments in stock-rich gravy - here a mussel, there a piece of loup de mer, now some lobster - are fetched up with accompanying nuggets of potato, carrot or courgette.
    3. Roemer said the tri-state region is rich in oil and natural gas, timber, agricultural products and seafood, all products Japan needs and that can be transported through the states' six seaports.
    4. About 90 million pounds of seafood with a retail value of $2 billion are sold each year at the market in lower Manhattan.
    5. John Folse, the Cajun chef who prepared a Vatican state dinner last week for Roman Catholic bishops and cardinals, says he plans to send the pope a monthly bucket of seafood gumbo.
    6. This year's results included a gain of $70.2 million on the disposal of seafood operations.
    7. Mr. Atwater attributed the gains largely to strong increases in unit volume and market share by the food and restaurant company's packaged food lines, including cereals, flour, Betty Crocker baking and dessert mixes and Gorton's frozen seafood.
    8. The assassin, who struck Trotsky in the skull with a mountaineer's ice ax after Trotsky returned from a seafood restaurant, spent 20 years in prison.
    9. While the Agriculture Department is in charge of most food inspection, including livestock and poultry, it does not inspect seafood, Haas said.
    10. Outside a seafood packing plant in Port Bolivar, Texas, a 100-foot-long pile of crab shells is crawling with maggots.
    11. Before the charge, earnings rose 9%, with unit volume gaining in Betty Crocker baking mixes, flour and Gorton's frozen seafood.
    12. Long after he was to have returned to Hong Kong I still had not heard from him, and reasoned that it must constitute great loss of face to concede the merit of New York's seafood.
    13. Instead, they decorate seafood buffets and salad bars in hotels and restaurants in 31 states and the District of Columbia.
    14. Kenting, at the southernmost tip of the island, offers good seafood, sandy beaches and warm seas, which the locals put down to the proximity of Taiwan's third nuclear power station.
    15. Mrs. Smith's pro-label stand and her support for federal inspection of seafood _ an issue on which the Agriculture Department has yet to take a stand _ wins applause from the ever-vigilant consumer movement.
    16. In May, he laid off 14% of the staff at company headquarters in Camden, N.J., and put up for sale the company's Italian cookie company and British frozen vegetable and seafood operations.
    17. The harvest that begins this weekend will be the year's major catch of the seafood, which vies with cold-water lobster tails as a premium item on restaurant menus in the United States and abroad.
    18. The newspapers in this city of sunshine and seafood salads have turned over their pages to predictions from everyone from astronomers to zookeepers.
    19. A fish industry spokesman said today "it's ludicrous" to claim deficiencies in seafood inspection make eating seafood more dangerous than eating fat.
    20. A fish industry spokesman said today "it's ludicrous" to claim deficiencies in seafood inspection make eating seafood more dangerous than eating fat.
    21. And Lynette Duensing, a video engineer, dined on a seafood salad with friends at the same restaurant before attending a crowded art opening in the adjoining Martini Lounge.
    22. For fresh produce and seafood, nutrition information could be available at the point of purchase, such as in brochures or on posters.
    23. The chief chef at a popular seafood restaurant chain returned to the hospital where he had been a patient recently to perform some corrective surgery of his own.
    24. The Soviets allowed American Lynn Cox to swim between two islands that straddle the border in the Bering Sea, permitted an exchange of medical researchers from Siberia and Alaska, and met with U.S. fishing groups to discuss joint seafood ventures.
    25. Commission member Ralph Eluska, president of the Akhiok-Kaguyak Native Corporation, said Akhiok villagers still were afraid of catching and eating seafood, activities at the center of their communal life.
    26. Impex distributes seafood nationally, he said.
    27. The initial business Nichosen foresees is small _ processing local wild berries for a health drink and canning high-quality seafood, both for export.
    28. Other tip averages: seafood, 14.1%; Mexican, 14.8%; Chinese, 15%; general menu (58% of the meals), 15.2%.
    29. Fresh produce, seafood and other non-packaged food companies would be allowed some flexibility in informing consumers of nutritional value, including the use of "point-of-purchase" methods such as posters and booklets.
    30. Gary Gerontis, a seafood merchant who had offered to fly the lobster back to New England so that it could be tossed back into the ocean, told Mrs. Brown on Friday that Oscar was terminally ill.
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