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 scuttle ['skʌtl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 箩, 筐, 急速逃走, 天窗, 小舱口

vi. 急速逃走, 急忙撤退

vt. 凿沉, 毁坏

[法] 使船沉没, 凿沉, 全部毁坏

    [ noun ]
    1. container for coal; shaped to permit pouring the coal onto the fire

    2. <noun.artifact>
    3. an entrance equipped with a hatch; especially a passageway between decks of a ship

    4. <noun.artifact>
    [ verb ]
    1. to move about or proceed hurriedly

    2. <verb.motion> scamper scurry skitter
      so terrified by the extraordinary ebbing of the sea that they scurried to higher ground

    Scuttle \Scut"tle\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Scuttled}
    (sk[u^]t"t'ld); p. pr. & vb. n. {Scuttling}.]
    1. To cut a hole or holes through the bottom, deck, or sides
    of (as of a ship), for any purpose.

    2. To sink by making holes through the bottom of; as, to
    scuttle a ship.

    3. Hence: To defeat, frustrate, abandon, or cause to be
    abandoned; -- of plans, projects, actions, hopes; as, the
    review committee scuttled the project due to lack of

    Scuttle \Scut"tle\, n. [AS. scutel a dish, platter; cf. Icel.
    skutill; both fr. L. scutella, dim. of scutra, scuta, a dish
    or platter; cf. scutum a shield. Cf. {Skillet}.]
    1. A broad, shallow basket.

    2. A wide-mouthed vessel for holding coal: a coal hod.

    Scuttle \Scut"tle\, v. i. [For scuddle, fr. scud.]
    To run with affected precipitation; to hurry; to bustle; to

    With the first dawn of day, old Janet was scuttling
    about the house to wake the baron. --Sir W.

    Scuttle \Scut"tle\, n.
    A quick pace; a short run. --Spectator.

    Scuttle \Scut"tle\ (sk[u^]t"t'l), n. [OF. escoutille, F.
    ['e]scoutille, cf. Sp. escotilla; probably akin to Sp.
    escotar to cut a thing so as to make it fit, to hollow a
    garment about the neck, perhaps originally, to cut a
    bosom-shaped piece out, and of Teutonic origin; cf. D. schoot
    lap, bosom, G. schoss, Goth. skauts the hem of a garnment.
    Cf. {Sheet} an expanse.]
    1. A small opening in an outside wall or covering, furnished
    with a lid. Specifically:
    (a) (Naut.) A small opening or hatchway in the deck of a
    ship, large enough to admit a man, and with a lid for
    covering it, also, a like hole in the side or bottom
    of a ship.
    (b) An opening in the roof of a house, with a lid.

    2. The lid or door which covers or closes an opening in a
    roof, wall, or the like.

    {Scuttle butt}, or {Scuttle cask} (Naut.), a butt or cask
    with a large hole in it, used to contain the fresh water
    for daily use in a ship. --Totten.

    1. Moore McCormack said it intends to carry out the plan even if Southdown first abandons its $450 million offer, but indicated it might scuttle the plan if it gets an acceptable bid.
    2. Sen. Dixon, aides say, may still decide to introduce a resolution to scuttle the Korea Fighter Project entirely; that tack, however, is unlikely to get very far.
    3. More complex issues, however, are lying in the legislative weeds and could rise up to scuttle the bill.
    4. Senior administration officials made clear the president might veto the massive bill - and scuttle the first comprehensive clean air changes in 13 years - if the measure were included.
    5. But Helen, Helen -- your story of the "scuttle" game at the radio station, where the men would chase a secretary until they cornered her and took off her panties is not an example of a cute flirtation or minor dalliance.
    6. "(Mrs. Cade) had smelled a strong odor Sunday, and Monday she looked in a small scuttle hole in a bedroom closet and saw Jason's body," Beaty said.
    7. Dukakis' announcement came as he wound up a West Coast campaign swing stressing his interest in education and accusing the Reagan administration of trying to scuttle school programs.
    8. U.S. negotiators on Monday offered a compromise proposal aimed at breaking a deadlock that has threatened to scuttle a four-year effort to reform the global trading system.
    9. Wirth's questioning of opposition witnesses Thursday prompted Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., to accuse the panel's Democratic majority of using stalling tactics to scuttle the nomination.
    10. Former presidential aide Oliver L. North is seeking to scuttle the criminal charges against him by trying to disclose national secrets irrelevant to his defense, Iran-Contra prosecutors charged Wednesday.
    11. The government says this could scuttle the "shock therapy" economic reform program it instituted on Jan. 1.
    12. Defense lawyers, meanwhile, dismissed as "mere spin control" a prosecution allegation that the former National Security Council aide was threatening to reveal government secrets to scuttle charges against him.
    13. Irving's board last week amended its anti-takeover plan to make it harder for a slate of new Irving directors to scuttle rights if they win a proxy fight at Irving's annual meeting April 21.
    14. It was not immediately clear how this latest barrier would affect the tender offer from BNS Inc., the takeover company formed by Beazer and Shearson Lehman Hutton Inc. Attorneys for the Beazer interests said a delay could scuttle its tender offer.
    15. A decision to scuttle the Malmo plant could cause relations between management and unions to deteriorate.
    16. In particular, the question of where to keep talking may be an issue big enough to convince either Israel or Syria to scuttle the whole process.
    17. What has gone wrong at the hotel isn't just a study in how bad relations between partners can scuttle a promising venture.
    18. But Samir Geagea faces trouble with Syria, which blames him for a political crisis that threatens to formally partition Lebanon and scuttle Syria's hopes of controlling its unruly neighbor.
    19. That concession could enable the department to scuttle the prosecution of the fired National Security Council aide, former national security adviser John M. Poindexter and arms dealers Richard V. Secord and Albert Hakim.
    20. In the end most Republicans on the panel said that if such micromanagement was the price to be paid for more RTC funding, forget it, and enough Democrats joined them in voting to scuttle the bill.
    21. Any public disagreement, they fear, could scuttle the oil-market recovery that has brought prices back up to around $18 a barrel today from a level under $10 a barrel last year.
    22. Keeping the military mission at the Presidio does not "scuttle the base-closing act."
    23. Leaders of the legal profession contend that federal judges are the biggest losers in the congressional vote to scuttle hefty pay raises for top government officials.
    24. Premiers Robert Bourassa of Quebec and David Peterson of Ontario on Monday publicly opposed extending the June 23 deadline Monday _ helping to scuttle any referendum plans by Wells as being too time-consuming.
    25. Two weeks ago, the dolphin headed north up the Hudson, forcing scientists to scuttle plans to scare it toward the ocean by playing recorded killer-whale sounds underwater.
    26. It also could scuttle plans by Laidlaw Environmental Services Co., formerly GSX Chemical Services Co., to build a massive, regional hazardous-waste treatment facility near Laurinburg in Scotland County.
    27. Bondholders, who were not informed of the payments, threatened to scuttle the restructuring when they were informed by New Jersey gaming officials, who had discovered the payment in an audit.
    28. The 11-5 vote came after a protracted series of final committee sessions on the bill, during which Republican critics of the measure offered a raft of amendments Democratic backers said were often designed to scuttle the legislation.
    29. Gesell said that exposure of a grand jury witness to immunized testimony wouldn't necessarily scuttle the case, it might only mean that the particular witness couldn't testify in the trial.
    30. Rep. Bob Carr, D-Mich., a member of the House Appropriations District of Columbia subcommittee, is being pressured by the NRA to oppose the measure, but Carr aides said he is unlikely to introduce legislation to scuttle the city law.
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